Academic Policies

Allergy Policy

The Culinary Arts curriculum requires the student to be exposed to many different types of foods, some of which are known allergens. The nature of the curriculum teaches a variety of techniques and skills which require hands-on/tasting involvement. Students with food allergies should speak with their enrollment advisor prior to beginning their program so Academic Advising can review their individual needs. If a student finds him- or herself in an environment that aggravates the allergies, Kendall may not be able to alter the class to accommodate their needs. This may affect completion of the program.

Early Exit/ Late Arrival

The Kendall College of Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management endorses mandatory class attendance. In exceptional circumstances, such as a medical condition, illness of a family member, or bereavement, a student may request to leave before the end of the quarter or may return after the start of class. To avoid academic penalty, or being withdrawn from courses which can entail the loss of a visa for some students, the student must petition the program dean for permission for early exit or late arrival. Proper documentation must be attached to the petition. The form may be obtained from Academic Advising.

Attendance and Participation

Regular course attendance is expected of all Kendall College Culinary and Hospitality students. The definition of participation is met if one of the following conditions applies:

  • The student is physically in the classroom or lab and participating; or
  • The student has participated in the D2L learning environment, including (a) submitting an academic assignment relating to the course topic, (b) taking a quiz or test relating to the course topic, or (c) participating in an online discussion board covering the academic content of the course.
Any work posted in advance of the first day of classes will not be considered work that is required for the course, nor will it be accepted for grading. Online courses require, at minimum, one online academic activity listed above during the first week of class to be considered as participating. Failure to participate during the first week of class through either physical presence or online participation may result in withdrawal from the course. Students who do not participate in any courses during the first week of classes will be withdrawn from the college.

A student maintaining an unapproved absence from classes (2 calendar weeks or more without contacting Academic Advising and getting dean's approval) may be required to withdraw from the college for the term in which that conduct occurs, forfeiting all academic credit, tuition, and fees for that term. For on campus classes, attendance and participation is crucial for success at Kendall and is a requirement for all students. Kendall College uses the quarter system. For a 4-credit hour class there are only 20 class meetings per term. The college recognizes that for various reasons students may miss classes. Excused absences are allowed due to documented illness or a serious family crisis (for example, death of an immediate family member).

If a student is absent for 15% of the classes, the student's final grade will be lowered 10%. If absent for 20% of the classes, the student's final grade will be lowered 20%. If absent for 25% of the classes, the student will receive an automatic "F" grade in the course.

The chart below shows how unexcused absences affect a student's grade.


Number of Class Meetings

Number of Unexcused Absences

% of Class Missed

Reduction in Grade












Automatic F


Number of Class Meetings

Number of Unexcused Absences

% of Class Missed

Reduction in Grade












Automatic F