Comprehensive Exams

Students are evaluated three times throughout the culinary associate degree or baking and pastry associate degree to determine proficiency and comprehension of the curriculum. Comprehensive
exams are given after the first block, the third/fourth block, and the sixth or seventh block. Students must pass both written and practical comprehensive exams or progress in the program may be impacted.

The student will be allowed three attempts. Before the third attempt, tutoring is required with an instructor. There are associated costs with each exam. If the student fails the third attempt, it is possible
he or she will be made to retake the whole quarter. The student must pass all comprehensive exams to continue in the program and complete the associate degree. The student will not be allowed to take the fifth or sixth block written and practical comprehensive exams until culinary classes are successfully completed.

BPA 090 First block written exam

BPA 091 First block practical exam

BPA 092 Third block written exam

BPA 093 Third block practical exam

BPA 094 Fifth or Sixth block written exam

BPA 095 Fifth or Sixth block practical exam

CUL 090 First block written exam

CUL 091 First block practical exam

CUL 092 Fourth block written exam

CUL 093 Fourth block practical exam

CUL 094 Fifth or Sixth block written exam

CUL 095 Fifth or Sixth block practical exam

Baking and Pastry Comprehensive Prerequisites

Block 1: BPA 090 First block written exam (Prerequisites: BPA 100, BPA 103)

BPA 091 First block practical exam (Prerequisites: BPA 100)

Block 3: BPA 092 Third block written exam (Prerequisites: BPA 090, BPA 091, BPA 130, BPA 180, BPA 170)

BPA 093 Third block practical exam (Prerequisites: BPA 090, BPA 091, BPA 170)

Block 5/6: BPA 094 Fifth or Sixth block written exam (Prerequisites: BPA 092, BPA 093, BPA 210, BPA 262)

BPA 095 Fifth or Sixth block practical exam (Prerequisites: BPA 092, BPA 093, BPA 210, BPA 262)

Culinary Comprehensive Prerequisites

Block 1: CUL 090 First block written exam (Prerequisites: CUL 102,CUL 110,CUL 111,CUL 112, CUL 136)

CUL 091 First block practical exam (Prerequisites: CUL 111, CUL 112)

Block 4: CUL 092 Fourth block written exam (Prerequisites: CUL 090,CUL 091, CUL 244,CUL 246, CUL 248)

CUL 093 Fourth block practical exam (Prerequisites: CUL 090,CUL 091, CUL 244,CUL 246,CUL 248)

Block 5/6: CUL 094 Fifth or Sixth block written exam (Prerequisites: CUL 092,CUL 093,CUL 122,CUL 249,CUL 296)

CUL 095 Fifth or Sixth block practical exam (Prerequisites: CUL 092,CUL 093, CUL 249,CUL 296)