Administration and Supervision, Ed.S. (General Education Leadership)

This program is designed to prepare experienced teachers for educational administration and supervision. It is conveniently offered in online, face-to-face and blended formats. Please note that this program does not lead to state credentials.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admission Requirements, this program requires:

  • A written statement of leadership experience and aspirations: Briefly describe your most significant experience as a leader (formally or informally) and elaborate on how this experience inspired you to pursue a degree in leadership.
  • A written statement of social justice, diversity and equity: Briefly describe a social issue about which you feel deeply committed or passionate. How have you been actively involved with this issue?
  • A written statement of instruction: Briefly describe a significant instructional learning experience you have had in the past year. What date or information drove that learning experience? How did you change? What impact did that change have on students?
  • Faculty review of applicant's credentials and written statements
  • A letter of recommendation
  • Signed Licensure Limitation Form (acknowledges that this is a non-licensure program)

Program Details:

  • Requires 30 SH for completion

Required Courses

Program Core - 24 SH

EDL 510Leadership and Organizational Development


EDL 520Leading Diverse Schools


EDL 521Building School Community Partnerships


EDL 522Leading Student-Centered Schools


EDL 523Navigating School and Special Education Law


EDL 525Decision-Making for Educational Systems and Organizations


EDL 526Realizing Vision through Technical, Human, and Financial Resources


EDL 527Guaranteeing a Differentiated and Coherent Curriculum


EDL 528Maintaining Accountability with Data Use and Program Evaluation


EDL 529Improving Instruction through Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development


EDL 570Internship Seminar I: Organizing Leadership Competency Planning


EDL 571Internship Seminar II: Resume Building and Professional Writing for Educational Leaders


EDL 572Internship Seminar III: Demonstrating School Leadership Competence


Electives - 6 SH

EDL 512Communication and Technological Skills for School Leaders


EDL 546Perspectives and Administration of Educational Policy


Note: Other courses may be accepted with approval of the Educational Leadership Program Chair.

For more information about this program, visit