
Step I. Informal Review by the Individual Responsible for the Decision

Students must initiate the appeal process within 15 business days following formal (documented) notification of the decision by contacting the individual responsible for the decision (i.e., the instructor who assigned a grade or the administrator who informed the person of the decision) to attempt informal resolution of the disagreement. The student may also consult with an academic advisor, program director, department chair, or student services professional to obtain informal assistance. (Such consultation does not initiate the appeal process.)

When a student requests that an academic decision covered by this policy be reviewed, the individual responsible for the decision is required to:

  1. Attempt informal resolution of the disagreement.
  2. Identify for the student the department head or administrator responsible for the academic unit involved in the appeal. An academic unit is defined as a division, department, program or other subdivision of a college.
  3. Inform the student about the academic appeal process including any review procedures/options that exist within the academic unit.
  4. Document in writing the initiation of the review process and the terms of any agreement reached. Agreements reached during the informal review process are not to be placed in the official University record of either party, but shall be retained in the administrative files of the department or program. Both individuals shall retain a signed copy of the agreement.

The instructor who assigned the grade or administrator who informed the student of the decision should resolve this matter within 10 business days of the date of original appeal.

If the individual responsible for the decision is unavailable or unresponsive within 15 business days of the date of the original appeal, the administrator responsible for the unit shall initiate Step II.

Step II. College Academic Unit Level Review

If a reasonable effort by the student and the individual who made the contested decision does not result in informal resolution of the complaint, the student may submit a written request for review to the responsible academic unit department head or administrator within 10 business days of the Step I decision.

The request for review must state:

  1. The decision that is being appealed.
  2. The name(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the decision.
  3. The date of notification.
  4. The basis for appeal in relation to the criteria stated above.

The department head or administrator responsible for the unit shall review the written appeal and:

  1. Determine that the appeal is within the scope of this process.
  2. Meet informally with the student and others involved in the decision to identify possible solutions and promote informal resolution.
  3. Serve as a mediator as part of the unit’s informal review process.
  4. Or, determine that further informal review by the unit is not likely to resolve the disagreement and refer the appeal to the college unit responsible for hearing student appeals.

The department head may authorize implementation of any informal agreement that is reached with the individual (Step I), or decide the appeal on its merits.

When deciding an appeal on its merits, there is an expectation that academic administrators at the college department or program level will review and make decisions regarding student appeals of faculty and staff decisions within their departments. Appeals that may require exceptions to customary practice (i.e., situations that are unique or uncommon) must be forwarded to Step III for review by the appropriate faculty governance unit.

If an agreement is not reached within the academic unit, the academic unit administrator will refer the appeal to the college governance unit responsible for hearing student appeals within 10 business days of the date of the Step II decision.

Step III. Appeals Unit Review

If a reasonable effort by the student and the department head or administrator does not result in a resolution of the complaint, the student may submit a written request for review to the college governance unit responsible for hearing student appeals within 10 business days of the date of the Step II decision.

The college governance units are:

  • National College of Education - The Academic Policies Committee
  • College of Professional Studies and Advancement  - Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards
  • Pathways Professional Program - Student Academic Conduct and Performance Committee
  • Library and Learning Support - Library Curriculum Council

There is an expectation that the faculty governance unit will review and make determinations regarding student appeals of academic administrators, faculty, and staff decisions within their college within 10 business days following receipt of the written appeal. 

Each college governance unit may develop a specific process (procedure) for implementing its decision making process.

The appellant will have the right and option to go on to Step IV - University Level Review, when dissatisfied with a Step III decision.

Step IV. University Level Review

If a student is not satisfied with the resolution/remedy of the complaint as determined at the college level, the student may submit a formal written appeal to the Senior Academic Officer or designee within 10 business days from the date of the Step III decision. The formal written appeal must include:

  1. The decision that is being appealed;
  2. The name(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the decision;
  3. The date of notification;
  4. The basis for the appeal in relation to the criteria stated above;
  5. A summary of the evidence supporting the claim, including written documents and the names of individuals who have first-hand information relating to the appeal;
  6. A summary of attempts to reach formal/informal resolution under Steps I, II, and III; and,
  7. Any proposed settlements that were rejected by either party.

The Senior Academic Officer shall, within 10 business days following receipt of the written appeal, review the document to determine if:

  1. The student has made a reasonable attempt at resolution at the college level following published procedures and time lines (the appeal may be remanded to the college if warranted); and,
  2. There is reasonable preliminary evidence that the appeal is based on one (or more) of the reasons stated in the introduction to this policy.

If these conditions are met, the Senior Academic Officer may sustain, mitigate or reverse the action/remedy taken at the college level; or, submit the appeal to a formal hearing. The Senior Academic Officer and/or the appointed hearing committee will not reverse a decision of a college faculty governance unit without consulting with that unit and considering the rationale for the college level decision. In the event of a formal hearing, the Senior Academic Officer will:

  1. Forward a copy of the petition to the individual whose decision is being appealed.
  2. Appoint a hearing officer to conduct a formal hearing. The hearing officer shall be a full-time employee of the institution with appropriate experience in the type of decision under review, but not directly involved in the specific decision.
  3. Request that the chair of the faculty senate (or in his/her absence the chair-elect) appoint two faculty members who were not directly involved in the original decision to serve with the hearing officer as members of the hearing committee.
  4. The hearing committee procedures are as follows:
    1. Within 5 business days following appointment, the hearing officer shall schedule a hearing and notify the involved parties of the procedures to be followed.
    2. The hearing officer shall make a good faith effort to schedule the hearing at a time and place that is mutually agreeable to all persons involved.
    3. The members of the hearing committee shall determine the number of meetings, as it deems necessary.
    4. Any and all written materials which a party wishes to submit to the hearing committee shall be submitted at least three (3) business days prior to the first hearing date. Any additional materials will be accepted at the discretion of the hearing committee. Within three (3) business days prior to the first hearing date, each party shall also provide the hearing committee with a list of anticipated witnesses.
    5. Each party may be accompanied at the hearing by an advocate of his/her choice. Within three (3) business days prior to the hearing, each party shall provide the hearing committee with the name and relationship of any such advocate.
    6. No verbatim transcript or tape recording will be made of the hearing or the hearing committee’s deliberations.
    7. The hearing committee may deliberate in closed session at any time in its discretion.
    8. Should the hearing committee independently gather any documents, witness statements or depositions, the parties shall be informed that the committee has done so, and the parties shall be allowed to review and comment on the same before the hearing committee concludes its deliberations.
    9. The parties shall respond to any request of the hearing committee within three (3) business days. The hearing committee may extend the response period upon the request of a party for good cause shown.
    10. The hearing officer shall preside over the hearing. No formal rules of evidence or parliamentary rules shall apply. All persons concerned shall strive to conduct themselves in a spirit of collegiality.
    11. After the evidence has been presented, the hearing committee shall deliberate in private and determine by majority vote if the original decision should be sustained or overturned, and if overturned or mitigated, what remedy should be recommended.
    12. The hearing committee shall make a good faith effort to provide a final written report within 10 business days of the first hearing date. The recommendation of the hearing committee shall be forwarded to the Senior Academic Officer for review/implementation.
  5. Within 5 business days following notification of the decision of the hearing committee, either party may appeal to the Senior Academic Officer for final administrative review. The Senior Academic Officer will render a final decision within 10 business days. The involved parties shall be informed in writing of the final decision.