Academic Honesty

National Louis University subscribes to the principle that academic quality and a productive learning environment are inextricably linked to academic honesty.

Like other colleges and universities, National Louis University has expectations regarding academic honesty on the part of students, faculty and staff, and, indeed, to professional people at all levels of academic activity.

With respect to the academic honesty of students, it is expected that all material submitted as part of any class exercise, in or out of class, is the actual work of the student whose name appears on the material or is properly documented otherwise. The concept of academic honesty includes plagiarism as well as receiving and/or giving improper assistance and other forms of cheating on coursework. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and may be dismissed from the University.

Faculty has the right to analyze and evaluate students’ coursework. Students may be asked to submit their papers electronically to a third party plagiarism detection service. Students who are asked to submit their papers and refuse must provide proof for every cited work comprising the cover page and first cited page for each source listed in the bibliography.

When evidence of academic dishonesty is discovered, an established procedure (see below) of resolution will be activated to bring the matter to closure.