Policy on Disruption of University Business or Events

This policy applies to behavior that disrupts nonacademic University business/events and other disruptions falling outside the scope of the Disruptive Classroom Behavior policy found in this Guidebook under Academic Policies and Procedures. National Louis University recognizes a student’s right to speak, inquire or dissent but requires that these freedoms be exercised in an orderly and responsible manner. The University prohibits any student or group of students from interfering with the personal rights of another individual, the carrying out of University business or the progress of any authorized University event.

Any student who causes disruption or interruption of University business or events may be asked by a University official to leave the premises for a temporary period. A few examples of potential disruption to university business or events includes, but is not limited to: excessive noise in hallways through loud conversation and/or arguments and/or using profane language on university property.  Students are expected to display respect for other members of the community and cease the behavior of concern if approached by University staff.  If behavior is repetitive, fails to stop when confronted, or is egregious the University official will then report the incident to the appropriate staff by completing an Incident Report atnl.edu/letusknow.