Policy on Substance Abuse

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 National Louis University forbids the unlawful use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs or alcohol by a student or employee anywhere on University property. Students receiving prescription medications from a physician must have a prescription in their possession. Students in violation of state, federal or other local regulations with respect to illegal drugs or alcohol may be subject to both criminal prosecution and University disciplinary action.

The United States Congress has established legislation that requires educational institutions to provide information to students and employees regarding illicit drugs and alcohol abuse. This legislation is commonly referred to as the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. Colleges and universities are asked to certify that they attempt to prevent the unlawful possession, use, and/or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students.

National Louis University is committed to maintaining a drug-free environment for students. Disciplinary sanctions that National Louis University may impose for violations of University policies are found under the Student Conduct Process section of this Student Guidebook. Any students who would like to receive additional information or confidential assistance may contact the Office of Student Experience at 888.658.8632, x.3568.

Per the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, National Louis University works to foster a culture of care, where students are informed about the risks associated with consuming alcohol or drugs and the responsibility for healthy behavior and a safe learning environment is shared by all. The primary aspects of the University’s policy on alcohol and other drugs are outlined below, please refer to the Student Wellness Page and the  Annual Security Report for full policy details.

Student Wellness


Annual Security Report



NLU prohibits students, student groups and employees from the following unlawful and/or unauthorized conduct involving alcohol, including being on campus or participating in University sponsored events under the influence of alcohol:

  • Use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol or containers that previously contained alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age;
  • Use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol or containers that previously contained alcohol anywhere on University property, regardless of age (except as expressly authorized by University facilities personnel);
  • Providing alcohol to or procuring alcohol for anyone under 21 years of age;
  • Intoxication that results in disruption of University business or raises concern for a student’s well-being, regardless of age;
  • Drinking games or other practices that promote intoxication or encourage participants to consume alcohol;
  • Other violations of University policy or federal, state or local laws pertaining to alcohol.


NLU prohibits students, student groups and employees from the following unlawful and/or unauthorized conduct involving drugs or controlled substances, including being on campus or participating in University sponsored events under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances:

  • Use, misuse, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances (except as expressly permitted by legal authority, such as a student possessing a physician’s prescription and using the substance only as prescribed);
  • Use, possession, manufacture or distribution of any drug paraphernalia;
  • Intoxication that results in disruption of University business or raises concern for a student’s well-being;
  • Being in the presence of the use or misuse of illegal drugs or controlled substances on University property;
  • Other violations of University policy or federal, state or local laws pertaining to illegal drugs or controlled substances.
  • Use or being under the influence of medical marijuana on all University campuses and at any University sponsored event or activity. 

Additional Information Regarding Drugs:

Although Illinois’ Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act (H.B. 1) allows patients to possess and consume limited amounts of marijuana for certain medical conditions, this state law conflicts with federal laws governing marijuana. National Louis University is subject to the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, which mandate that University communities be free of controlled substances (including marijuana). Thus, the use, possession, manufacture, distribution or being under the influence of medical marijuana on University property or at University-related activities is prohibited and violates this policy. 

Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use

Even occasional use of alcohol or drugs can have lasting impacts on health and behavior. Some of these effects include impaired judgment, addiction, negative physical symptoms, negative impact on relationships, reduced brain activity, increased risk of cancer and other organ damage and death. For a complete list of health effects and warning signs of alcohol or drug abuse, see www.nl.edu/studentservices/studentexperience/studentwellness/alcoholanddrugs/.

Treatment Resources

The University urges students who are experiencing alcohol or drug related concerns to seek help immediately. For a list of assessment tools to determine if you or someone you care about may be struggling with alcohol or drugs, see www.nl.edu/studentservices/studentexperience/studentwellness/alcoholanddrugs/

Additionally, the following treatment centers are located near NLU campuses:

To find additional treatment centers in your area and learn more about which treatment center may be right for you, check out http://www.recovery.org/.


Disciplinary sanctions that National Louis University may impose for violations of University policies are found under the Student Conduct Process section of this Student Guidebook. Students in violation of state, federal or other local regulations with respect to alcohol, illegal drugs or controlled substances may be subject to both criminal prosecution and University disciplinary action, including criminal charges and/or suspension or exclusion from the University. For more information on legal sanctions for violating federal, state or local law, refer to http://www.dea.gov/druginfo/ftp3.shtml).

Student Wellness


Annual Security Report
