
NLU prohibits students, student groups and employees from the following unlawful and/or unauthorized conduct involving drugs or controlled substances, including being on campus or participating in University sponsored events under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances:

  • Use, misuse, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances (except as expressly permitted by legal authority, such as a student possessing a physician’s prescription and using the substance only as prescribed);
  • Use, possession, manufacture or distribution of any drug paraphernalia;
  • Intoxication that results in disruption of University business or raises concern for a student’s well-being;
  • Being in the presence of the use or misuse of illegal drugs or controlled substances on University property;
  • Other violations of University policy or federal, state or local laws pertaining to illegal drugs or controlled substances.
  • Use or being under the influence of medical marijuana on all University campuses and at any University sponsored event or activity. 

Additional Information Regarding Drugs:

Although Illinois’ Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act (H.B. 1) allows patients to possess and consume limited amounts of marijuana for certain medical conditions, this state law conflicts with federal laws governing marijuana. National Louis University is subject to the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, which mandate that University communities be free of controlled substances (including marijuana). Thus, the use, possession, manufacture, distribution or being under the influence of medical marijuana on University property or at University-related activities is prohibited and violates this policy.