BEV 420 Spirts and Mixology

This course familiarizes students with various categories of spirits as they explore the art and science of distillation and study the components and procedures used in the production of these signature beverages. Students learn to distinguish types, levels of quality and taste of distilled beverages and then build upon their knowledge to acquire basic mixology skills and begin to construct signature drinks and cocktail menus. Additionally, students learn how to profitably sell and serve spirits through exploring the merchandising and marketing power of alcoholic beverages. As prepartation for the BASSET exam, students also learn responsible alcohol service and understand the legal ramifications and liabilities associated with selling alcohol. Upon meeting the successful requirements of this course, students are eligible to test for the Level 1 - Spirits Professional and the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET). Prerequisite: BEV 201. * Course Fee Applies
