SUS 355 Sustainable Operations in Hotels, Venues, and Food and Beverages

This course addresses operational aspects of implementing stainability programs in hotels, conference centers, attract attractions, and restaurants, with an emphasis on affordable and cost-effective strategies that generate a return on investment and customer satisfaction. Prerequisite: HOS 235.


SUS 365 Global resource Management and Environmental Regulations

This course explores how environmental regulations, carbon caps, water use restrictions, municipal waste plans and ordinances, bans on certain chemicals and substances, and similar policies affect hospitality and destination operations, costs, and reputations in the United States and around the world. Prerequisite: HOS 235


SUS 370 Certifications, Ecolabels, Standards, and Awards

Students will learn about the process used to develop sustainability standards, certifications, and ecolabels and how they can be used to obtain a competitive advantage and communicate a high level of environmental performance in the hospitality and tourism industry. Prerequisite: HOS 235.