PSYC 4090 Senior Evaluation

A one hour course designed to review major concepts in preparation for the Psychology Area Concentration Achievement Test (PACAT). Students will take PACAT at the end of the semester. A satisfactory score on the PACAT must be earned to receive credit for the course. Students failing to earn a satisfactory score will complete an alternate test in order to complete the course. Offered fall and spring. Psychology majors should take this course their final semester.


PSYC 4310 Psychological Tests and Measurements

A study of the processes and instruments for evaluating the cognitive and emotional status of the human being. Investigation is made into methods for determining test validity and reliability. Prerequisites: PSYC 1301 and 2316.


PSYC 4311 Behavioral Theory

A study of the major theoretical positions on learning. Includes analysis of associational, behavioral, and cognitive theories. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4312 Personality Theory

Intensive study of some of the major theories of personality examined in the light of recent research. Extensive use of case material. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4320 Counseling Theory

An intensive and analytical look at various major perspectives on counseling. Both modern and historical viewpoints of counseling are covered. Special emphasis given to counseling applications in today's society. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301.


PSYC 4323 History and Systems of Psychology

A survey of the major theories and theoretical systems and their historical development. Includes an integration of Christian beliefs, the student's own philosophical presuppositions, and current psychological theories. Pre-requisite: PSYC 2201 and PSYC 3312 and Junior standing or instructor approval. 




PSYC 4330 Multicultural Psychology

The course is a study of human culture to understand its relationship to psychological processes. Understanding human culture within a larger perspective may help us better understand differences among human cultures. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4331 Psychology and Film

A survey course in which students watch several different Hollywood films involving a psychological concept or theme. For each film, students will examine a different psychological issue and will focus on how mainstream films can produce misconceptions about that area of psychology. Students will also discuss issues with classmates to better understand the relationship between psychology and mainstream culture. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.

PSYC 4343 Positive Psychology

The scientific study of what can "go right" with people. This course is focused on strength, happiness, character, purpose, and interest in building an optimal human experience. This course focuses on the promotion of the human potential. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4345 Psychology of Religion

This course surveys the historical and current psychological study of religious faith, attitudes and behavior. Topics covered include prominent historical figures regarding the psychology of religion; research methodologies; religious development over the lifespan; religious conversion; new religious movements (cults); religious terrorism; relationship of religion to human attitudes and behavior; and, the link between religion, psychopathology and mental health. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4350 Psychology of Leadership

A study of the theories of leadership and of leadership behavior. Assessment of leadership styles and skills will provide the basis for individual programs of development. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4351 Industrial & Organizational Psych

The application of psychological theories, principles, methods, and research techniques to the science of I/O psychology in order to develop an understanding of the aims and goals of the field of problem solutions in industry and organizations. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4352 Music Psychology

This course examines music as a phenomenon of human behavior and psyche. Topics include auditory and musical perception, music cognition, creativity and aesthetic experience, listening styles and strategies, music and emotion, the social psychology of musical activities. In addition, the course will examine techniques and methodology for conducting research in music and will touch on aspects related to performance and music and the brain. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4355 Psychological Perspectives on Human Nature

This course will closely examine topics related to human nature from the perspectives of contemporary psychological science. Students will be introduced to competing views of human nature and their implications for how psychological science understands the context of human learning, challenges in human relationships and group living, and the origins and consequences of human drives such as dominance, status, and aggression, to name a few. Coursework will emphasize reading, discussion, and interacting with the latest scientific and empirical literature related to contemporary psychological perspectives on human nature.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1301, junior standing, or instructor approval.


PSYC 4390 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Psychology. It may be repeated for credit when the material studied is changed.