Credit Hour

The semester credit hour is a unit by which an institution measures its course work. The value of a semester credit hour can be determined by time, the educational experience, and outside preparation by the student.

The following constitutes the definition of a semester credit hour for various modes of instruction offered at UMHB:

  1. At least fifteen (15) contact hours, as well as, a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for each semester credit hour.
  2. Laboratory courses, with little outside work, require a minimum of forty-five (45) contact hours. If moderate outside work is required, thirty (30) contact hours are required.
  3. Internships, clinical, and field experiences require a minimum of forty-five (45) clock hours for each semester credit hour.
  4. For online, hybrid, and other nontraditional modes of delivery, semester credit hours are assigned based on learning outcomes that are equivalent to those in a traditional course setting, forty-five (45) hours of work by a typical student for each semester hour of credit.

Syllabi for every course will contain the appropriate definition of a semester credit hour from the list above. Each course should then follow this definition.