Incomplete Grade

An “I” (Incomplete) indicates inability of a student to complete some vital requirement of a course (e.g. final exam, major report, term paper, etc.) due to conditions beyond the student’s control. It is not the intent of the “I” grade to give a student an unfair time advantage over other students who complete their work in a timely manner. As such, an “I” grade will be approved only when exceptional circumstances, clearly beyond the student’s control, are substantiated (e.g. protracted illness, injury, or other acute personal emergency). It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her professor prior to course culmination to execute the Incomplete Grade Contract.

Once an “I” grade is assigned, it is the responsibility of the student to take the initiative to complete the work within thirty (30) calendar days after the start of the next semester (excluding full summer term). If more than thirty days are required, an extension request is to be submitted by the student through the instructor and Program Director. Approved extensions will be filed with the Registrar’s Office. An extension longer than the end of the next semester (excluding full summer term) will not be approved. The “I” will be automatically changed to an “F” if the course is not satisfactorily completed within this time frame. A $25 fee is charged to remove an “I” grade.