POLS 4090 Political Science Capstone

Political Science majors must complete the Political Science Capstone examination prior to graduation. Prerequisite: Senior Standing.


POLS 4195 Internship

This course allows POLS majors and minors to earn credit for serving in a position related to their field of study. A POLS faculty member, who also agrees to supervise the academic component of the internship, must grant the student permission to register for this class. Approval requires the student to present details about the internship work and planned academic components. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Credit hours awarded depend on hours employed, with at least forty-five hours of internship work required for each credit hour awarded. Class assessment is on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the Political Science major or minor. Prerequisites: At least junior standing, at least a 3.0 GPA and instructor's consent.

POLS 4295 Internship

This course allows POLS majors and minors to earn credit for serving in a position related to their field of study. A POLS faculty member, who also agrees to supervise the academic component of the internship, must grant the student permission to register for this class. Approval requires the student to present details about the internship work and planned academic components. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Credit hours awarded depend on hours employed, with at least forty-five hours of internship work required for each credit hour awarded. Class assessment is on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the Political Science major or minor. Prerequisites: At least junior standing, at least a 3.0 GPA and instructor's consent.

POLS 4311 Constitutional Government and Law in the US I

A study of the Constitution of the United States, including the work of the U.S. Supreme Court and the effects of its various decisions. Court cases are examined, briefed, and discussed. Emphasis is placed on court decisions concerning federalism, separation of powers, and economics. (Same as HIST 4311) Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306 and POLS 2320 or instructor's consent.


POLS 4312 Constitutional Government and Law in the US II

A study of the Constitution of the United States, including the work of the U.S. Supreme Court and the effects of its various decisions. Court cases are examined, briefed, and discussed. Emphasis placed on U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning civil rights and civil liberties. (Same as HIST 4312) Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306 and 2320 or instructor's consent.


POLS 4313 Political Theory I

A study of history and political theory with emphasis on Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, and Machiavelli. (Same as HIST 4314) Prerequisite: POLS 2305, 2306, and 2320 or instructor's consent.


POLS 4314 Political Theory II

A study of modern and early modern western political theory with emphasis on Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, the English Utilitarians, Marx, and Nietzsche.  (Same as HIST 4314) Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306 and 2320 or instructor's consent.


POLS 4316 International Relations

A study of the interactions among sovereign states and the system within which they operate, with special emphasis on causes of war, security and peace, human rights and political economy. (Same as HIST 4391.02)  Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306, 2315, 2320, and WRIT 3344 or instructor’s consent.


POLS 4318 International Political Economics

A study of the development of the international system of trade, production and finance from the Industrial Revolution through present era, with special attention on the political factors and effects of this progression. Includes consideration of globalization and of  paramount state and non-state actors in the international political economic system. system. (Same as BECO 4370) Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306, 2315, 2320, and WRIT 3344.


POLS 4330 Religion & Politics U.S.


A study of the interaction of religion, politics, and the state from colonial times to the present from historical, legal, and social scientific perspectives. (Same as HIST 4330) Prerequisites: POLS 2305, 2306, 2320 and WRIT 3344  or instructor's consent.


POLS 4395 Internship

This course allows POLS majors and minors to earn credit for serving in a position related to their field of study. A POLS faculty member, who also agrees to supervise the academic component of the internship, must grant the student permission to register for this class. Approval requires the student to present details about the internship work and planned academic components. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Credit hours awarded depend on hours employed, with at least forty-five hours of internship work required for each credit hour awarded. Class assessment is on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the Political Science major or minor. Prerequisites: At least junior standing, at least a 3.0 GPA and instructor’s consent.