PHY 307 Modern Physics

This course is an introduction to the physics of the twentieth century. Topics include a study of the special theory of relativity, an introduction to the general theory of relativity, a survey of the experimental basis of quantum physics, and Schrödinger's quantum mechanics, as well as topics selected from atomic and molecular physics, solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics and cosmology. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 260, PHY 201 or PHY 206 (with a grade "C" or better).

PHY 320 Classical Mechanics

This course is an intermediate-level course in classical mechanics. Topics include: Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion, central-force motion, variational calculus, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies, and non-linear systems. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307 (with a grade "C" or better).

PHY 340 Electricity and Magnetism

This course is an introduction to the theory and application of electromagnetism. Topics include: electric fields produced by charge distributions, electrostatic potential, electrostatic energy, magnetic forces and fields produced by currents and by magnetic dipoles, introduction to Maxwell's equations, electromagnetism in matter and electromagnetic waves. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307 (with a grade "C" or better).

PHY 350 Advanced Physics Lab

This course is an advanced physics laboratory in which the design and execution of experiments, as well as the analysis and presentation of data and results, are emphasized. Experiments include topics in astrophysics, atomic and nuclear physics, electronics, optics, and mechanics. Lecture and Lab.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307 (with a grade "C" or better).

PHY 360 Quantum Mechanics

This course is an intermediate-level introduction to quantum theory and statistical mechanics. Topics covered include the Schrödinger equation, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, solution of the hydrogen atom, and quantum mechanics in three dimensions. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307 (with a grade "C" or better).