HCL 301 Overview of Health Care Delivery

This course is the gateway course in the Health Care Leadership (HCL) program that introduces the students to the program and to health care delivery in the United States. Students examine the evolution of health care delivery including societal expectations, organizations, careers, financing, technology, and regulation. They further compare the systems that deliver health care in the United States with the systems that exist in other countries. Students critically examine the relationship among cost, access, and quality and explore health care information sources. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Recommended 60-90 quarter hours of prior college-level coursework in any field. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HCL 311 Professional Writing and Presentation Skills in Health Care

This course provides an opportunity for students to review and refine communication skills needed for advancement within health care organizations and professions. Students learn techniques and strategies for communicating persuasively as health care leaders, both in writing and orally. These persuasive skills, techniques, and strategies foster greater directed leadership presence. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 301 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HCL 316 Team Development in Health Care

This course is a study of team behavior and the effect team functioning has upon organizational effectiveness. Topics covered in this course include the basic of team behavior, principles of team dynamics, problem solving, decision making, diagnosing and resolving conflicts in teams, and managing and facilitating team meetings. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 301; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HCL 320 Educational Delivery & Assessment in Health Care

This course reviews the general principles of adult learning with application to health education programs. The student is enabled to design an appropriate learning activity for health care organizations that utilizes various components of individual and group learning techniques. Additionally this course explores the general principles and guidelines for defining and assessing complex behavioral outcomes in training, supervisory, clinical and operational quality improvement contexts. Students develop evaluation tools and prepare a comprehensive assessment plan for a workplace training program. The use of assessment for program improvement is examined. Prerequisite(s): HCL 300, HCL 335; Admission to the HCL program. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HCL 326 Critical Thinking in Health Care

This course emphasizes a systematic process for thinking critically and provides opportunities for students to improve their critical thinking skills as health care managers. Topics and class activities focus on stimulating the kind of thinking necessary to foster new managerial insights and strengthening the ability to articulate and apply sound reasoning to health care problems. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 301; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HCL 330 Presentation Skills in Health Care

This course provides students with the skills necessary to construct, present, and evaluate units. of instruction in the health care setting. An overview of various media, such a presentation software and video, and their appropriate use are be presented. Students have the opportunity to apply these principles in critiquing media and in producing visuals through computer graphic. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 300; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 4 quarter hours


HCL 335 Overview of Health Care Delivery

This course examines the evolution of health care delivery including societal expectations, organizations, careers, financing, technology, and regulation. The systems that deliver health care in the United States are compared to the systems that exist in other countries. The relationship between cost, access and quality is critically examined. Health care information sources are explored. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 300; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 4 quarter hours


HCL 350 Quality Analysis and Improvement in Health Care

This course introduces students to approaches of evaluating the quality of health care operations and service delivery. Students review methods for measuring quality within a health care department and health care service delivery as well as processes and best practices in continuous quality improvement. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 301; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 quarter hours