LAM 100A Prealgebra

This developmental mathematics course focuses on basic mathematical principles and arithmetic operations. Topics covered include estimation, operations with fractions and decimals, percent, ratio, proportion, exponents, and an introduction to geometry and algebra. There is a major emphasis on translating word phrases and developing problem solving techniques. The use of appropriate technology is integrated throughout the course. This course earns non-mathematics elective credit toward a degree (subject to maximum quarter hour limit), but does not apply towards requirements in general studies or a math major, minor, or concentration. This course is taken on a Pass/No Credit basis. Prerequisite(s): Placement. 5 quarter hours


LAM 100B Basic Algebra

This developmental course in algebra skills includes rational number arithmetic, integer exponents, solutions of first degree equations and inequalities in one and two variables, polynomial operations, factoring, literal equations, radical expressions, and solutions of second degree equations. Problem solving techniques and appropriate technology are integrated throughout. The course is intended for students who lack credit in high school algebra or who need a review of algebra. The course earns non-mathematics elective credit (subject to maximum quarter hour limit), and does not apply towards requirements in general education or a math major, minor, or concentration. This course is taken on a Pass/No Credit basis. Prerequisite(s): Placement or LAM 100A. 5 quarter hours


LAM 101 Thinking Mathematically

This course provides a rich immersion experience in thinking mathematically which builds on a student's previous high school mathematics. Students will be active learners who observe, ask questions, investigate, discover, formulate and test conjectures in solving problems, and communicate ideas and conclusions orally and in writing. Problems will build on topics from among algebra, geometry, probability, graphing, and statistics to develop flexible mathematical thinking. Intended for students who wish to become education majors, students will learn what it means to think mathematically in order to deepen their own understanding of mathematics and to help their future students think mathematically. This course cannot be used to satisfy mathematics course requirements or mathematics course electives for majors, minors or concentrations in mathematics. Counts in the Other area of General Education requirements. Pre-requisite(s): Passed LAM 100B or Math Placement into LAM 110. 5 quarter hours.


LAM 106 Basic Statistics

This course provides an introduction to statistical methods, with an emphasis on analytical reasoning, solving of real-life problems, use of spreadsheet applications and online tools, and effective communication of data and findings to varied audiences. Students study descriptive statistics, such as frequency distributions, graphing, and measures of central tendency and variation; probability distributions, including normal distributions, binomial distributions, and Poisson distributions; sampling and inferential statistics; correlation, causality, and regression; and hypothesis testing. Pre-requisite(s): Placement; or LAM 100B or equivalent. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAM 109 Statistical Literacy

This course introduces statistical ideas needed by educated people in the twenty-first century. Students are presented with the basic language, symbols, and computational tools of data analysis to explore real-world problems. Use of statistical reasoning to gain insight and draw conclusions from observations is covered. Topics include: experimental design, displaying data, measures of center and spread, normal distributions, percentiles, simple linear regression and correlation, probability laws, and confidence intervals. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Requirements. This course cannot be used to satisfy requirements or electives in majors, minors, or concentrations in mathematics. Prerequisite(s): Placement or LAM 100B Basic Algebra. Students cannot receive credit for both LAM 109 Statistical Literacy and LAM 106 Basic Statistics or both LAM 109 Statistical Literacy and LAM 216 Statistical Methods. 5 quarter hours


LAM 110 College Mathematics: Application of Mathematical Ideas

This course provides the basic preparation for more specialized courses in mathematics as determined by the student's major. Topics include graphical, symbolic, and numeric solutions of problems, number systems, integer and rational exponents, radicals, functions, first and second degree equations and inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, measurement, and geometry. Although emphasis is placed on the development of algebraic skills, problem solving is a main component of the course. A graphing calculator is required. The course does not apply toward a math concentration or major and is not IAI transferable as a general education requirement. Counts towards the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): LAM 100B. 5 quarter hours Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.


LAM 112 Math Content for Teachers I

This course focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. It examines the underlying conceptual framework of the elementary mathematics topics of sets, numeration and number systems, whole number operations, number theory, and operations and algorithms using rational numbers expressed as fractions and decimals. Estimation, models, graphs, and manipulatives are used in a variety of problem-solving situations. The two-course sequence of LAM112 and LAM213 is required for students in Elementary Teacher Education. A weekly lab component is required. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education. This course cannot be used to satisfy mathematics course requirements or mathematics electives for majors, minors, or concentrations in mathematics. Pre-requisite(s): LAM 110 or LAM 101 or placement 5 quarter hours Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.