LAM 301 Mathematics Content for Teachers: Problem Solving

This course provides the students with nonroutine problem-solving experiences in a variety of situations for the purpose of improving problem-solving skills. Specifically, the course emphasizes three aspects of problem solving: problem-solving strategies, problem solving in subject areas, and problem creation. It is intended primarily as a content course for prospective elementary or middle school teachers. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 110, LAM 112, and LAM 213 required, LAM 220 recommended. 5 quarter hours


LAM 303 Computer Programming I

This course emphasizes the principles of programming digital computers in a higher-level language as applied to significant algorithms from mathematics. The course provides an introduction to computer programming design focusing on algorithm generation using pseudo code and flow charting, debugging, and elements of good programming style. It introduces data types, control structures, procedures and functions, recursion, arrays, files, structured program design and testing. The course has both a mathematical and a laboratory component. Students will write programs to solve problems from areas of number theory, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and calculus. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. The course does NOT count in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education requirements. Prerequisite(s): LAM 220 - College Algebra or equivalent is required. One additional course from LAM307, LAM 308, LAM 309, or LAM 312 is recommended. 5 quarter hours


LAM 305 Computer Programming II

This course is a continuation of Computer Programming I (LAM303). It emphasizes data structures such as files, set pointers, lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs, and explores text processing, recursion, searching, and sorting. The course investigates the design and implementation of large scale problems. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 303 or equivalent. 5 quarter hours


LAM 307 Investigatory Geometry and Measurement

This course investigates geometry and measurement and relates these to nature, art, and mathematical thought. Use of concrete materials and problem-solving techniques are included. Inductive approach provides students with another point of view as well as additional knowledge and skills. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. This fulfills a general education requirement in quantitative reasoning. Prerequisite(s): LAM 213. 5 quarter hours. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.


LAM 308 Exploratory Probability and Statistics

This course provides a series of learning experiences drawn from real life problems that develop probability and statistical concepts and processes. These include organizing, presenting, and interpreting data; using probability models and statistical procedures; and developing probability and statistical models. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education requirements. Prerequisite(s): LAM 213 and LAM 220 or consent of the department. 5 quarter hours


LAM 309 Theory of Numbers

This course involves students in discovering, developing, and evolving ideas of elementary number theory. Topics include mathematical induction, divisibility, primes, congruences, and conditional congruences. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 220. 5 quarter hours.


LAM 310 Precalculus

This course acquaints students with the topics necessary in the study of calculus, including real numbers, functions, graphs, lines, conic sections, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and analytic geometry of three dimensions. Trigonometric functions, as well as applications in the solution of problems are also studied. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite: LAM 220 or equivalent. 5 quarter hours. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.


LAM 311 Calculus I

This course examines the introductory topics of differential calculus. Topics include limits, continuity, interpretations of the derivative, and techniques of differentiation. The derivative is applied to the solution of problems of related rates, curve sketching, and optimization. Transcendental functions and their derivatives are included. This course applies toward the math major, minor, and concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 310 Precalculus or equivalent or departmental approval. 5 quarter hours


LAM 312 Calculus II

This course examines the introductory topics of integral calculus. Topics include sequences, Riemann sums, and applications of the integral to finding the volume of solids of revolution, surface area, arc length, centroids, fluid pressure, and work. Techniques of integration are applied to transcendental functions, hyperbolic functions, and indeterminate forms. This course applies toward the math major, minor, and concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 311 Calculus I or equivalent or departmental approval. 5 quarter hours.


LAM 315 History of Math: A Problem-Solving Approach

This course provides a survey of the historical development of mathematics from early times to the present with a focus on problem-solving. Mathematical problems representative of significant contributions in numeration, algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and number theory are emphasized. Biographies of mathematicians focus on the type of problems solved and the methods of solutions employed with an examination of the historical context. This course applies toward the math major, minor, and concentration. Prerequisites: LAM 112, LAM 213, and a 200-level math course or equivalent or departmental consent. 5 quarter hours


LAM 320 Discrete Mathematics

This course provides an introduction to the topics and techniques of discrete methods, combinatorial reasoning, and finite algebraic structures. Set theory, logic, and functions provide the unifying themes as finite systems are studied. Topics include sets, counting, recursion, graph theory, trees, nets, Boolean Algebra, automata, and formal grammars and languages. The nature and importance of the algorithmic approach to problem solving is stressed. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite: At least one 200-level mathematics course or consent of department. 5 quarter hours


LAM 325 Linear Programming

This course deals with the problem of minimizing or maximizing a linear function in the presence of linear inequalities. Linear programming is used by decision makers to solve multi-variable, multi-goal problems commonly found in accounting, finance, management, marketing, industry, government, military, and urban planning. Topics include the study of linear inequalities, linear programming problems, and solving problems by the simplex method. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 214 or LAM 220 or consent of department. 5 quarter hours


LAM 330 Matrix Algebra

This course presents the most basic laws of matrix algebra. Methods for obtaining a complete solution of any given system of linear equations, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, are introduced. This method allows extensive use of concrete examples and exercises to facilitate the learning of abstract concepts. Prerequisite(s): LAM 220 or consent of department. 5 quarter hours