LAM 213 Math Content for Teachers II

This course focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. It examines the underlying conceptual framework of the elementary mathematics topics of algebra and informal geometry, metric measurement, rational and real number operations, percent probability, and statistics. Estimation, models, graphs, and manipulatives are used in a variety of problem-solving situations. The two-course sequence of LAM112 and LAM213 is required for students in Elementary Teacher Education. A weekly lab component is required. This course cannot be used to satisfy mathematics course requirements or mathematics course electives for majors, minors or concentrations in mathematics. Pre-requisite(s): LAM 110 (or LAM 101) and LAM 112 5 quarter hours. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.


LAM 214 Finite Mathematics

This course covers applied mathematical ideas for students in business, management, economics, social and life sciences with applications drawn from these fields. It includes topics such as linear equations and inequalities, determinants, matrices and matrix algebra, linear programming, simplex method, applications of matrices, combinatorics and probability theory, stochastic processes, game theory, Markov chains, and the mathematics of finance. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. This course counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): LAM 220 (College Algebra) or placement or departmental approval or an ACT Math score of 26 or higher. 5 quarter hours


LAM 216 Statistical Methods

Examination of the application of statistical description and inference in business, psychology, and science. Topics include: frequency distributions, graphing techniques, measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal distribution, correlations, regression, probability and sampling methods, hypothesis testing and decision making, t-tests and analysis of variance. This course does not apply toward the math concentration for education majors. Prerequisite(s): LAM 110 or placement. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements. 5 quarter hours


LAM 220 College Algebra

The fundamental concepts of college algebra including absolute value, factoring and roots, operations with rational exponents, and graphing are examined. Topics developed include systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, the theory of polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions. This course applies toward the math concentration. Prerequisite(s): LAM 110. 5 quarter hours Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements.