LAM 403 Mathematical Probability and Statistics

This course develops the theories of probability and statistics from a theoretical standpoint. Topics include: mutually exclusive events, independent and dependent events, conditional probability, combinatorics, discrete and continuous random variables, sampling methods, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance. This course applies toward the mathematics concentration. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education requirements. Prerequisite(s): LAM 308 recommended and LAM 311 required. 5 quarter hours


LAM 405 Geometry

This course provides an advanced study of Euclidean geometry with an emphasis on formal proofs. Major concepts of Euclidean geometry and selected non-Euclidean geometries are examined. Theorems of the reals, incidence, congruence, distance, and triangles are proved using a variety of methods. Various interpretations of geometry through number and transformations of the plane are explored. This course applies toward the math major, minor, and concentration. Prerequisites: LAM 307 recommended and LAM 311 required or departmental consent. 5 quarter hours


LAM 410 Linear Algebra

This course is designed to introduce some of the basic concepts and techniques of linear algebra. The emphasis is on intuitive development and application of computational tools. Matrices and systems of equations are used as vehicles for the introduction, application, and interpretation of vector spaces, subspaces, independence, and dimension. Prerequisite(s): LAM 312 or consent of department. 5 quarter hours


LAM 450 History of Mathematics for Teachers: Algebra and Geometry

This course provides a study of the historical development of algebraic and geometric principles from the earliest civilizations. The mathematical emphasis will be on important theorems and emerging conceptual developments in algebra and geometry. A problem- solving approach will be used to focus on the mathematics of each historical development. Students will research the biographies and mathematical contributions of significant mathematicians in the development of algebra and geometry, analyze the contributions within historical, cultural, scientific and political contexts, and trace the solution of mathematical problems historically. Prerequisite(s): One upper level math course, one math for teachers course, or departmental consent. 5 quarter hours or 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

LAM 451 History of Mathematics for Teachers: Probability and Statistics

This course provides a study of the historical development of elementary counting techniques, permutations, combinations, probability and statistics from the earliest evidence to the present. The mathematical emphasis will be on important theorems and emerging conceptual developments in probability and statistics. A problem-solving approach will be used to focus on the mathematics supporting each historic development. Students will research the biographies and mathematical contributions of significant mathematicians. Students will analyze mathematical developments within historical, cultural, and political contexts and trace the solution of mathematical problems historically. Prerequisite(s): One upper level math course, one math for teachers course, or departmental consent. 5 quarter hours or 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

LAM 490 Math Independent Study

Students conduct in-depth examinations of a topic in mathematics culminating in an interpretive report. Prerequisites: LAM 220, consent of instructor. 2-5 quarter hours for Undergraduate Students

2 TO 5

LAM 491 Applied Project in Quantitative Studies

Provides an applied experience within the university to work with a practicing professional integrating academic knowledge and research skills. Engages the student in computer programming, statistical analysis and/or other quantitative activities. May be taken several times for a maximum total 10 hours credit. Admission to the applied project course requires departmental permission. Counts in the Quantitative Reasoning Area of General Education Requirements. 5 quarter hours


LAM 495 Math Special Topics

A particular aspect of mathematics is selected to be studied in depth. Since the topic varies each term, the course may be taken more than once. Prerequisites: Varies with the topic, at least LAM110, consent of instructor. 2-5 quarter hours

2 TO 5