CHM - Chemistry

CHM 007 General Chemistry I Workshop

These workshops are based on the Peer-Led Team Learning model (PLTL) with students working individually and in small groups to learn and exercise problem solving techniques. The problems presented in these workshops are often not amenable to solution through ready-made formulas and require the individual to interact with peers in a reflective manner. The workshop is 85 minutes each week.



CHM 207

CHM 008 General Chemistry II Workshop

These workshops are based on the Peer-Led Team Learning model (PLTL) with students working individually and in small groups to learn and exercise problem solving techniques. The problems presented in these workshops are often not amenable to solution through ready-made formulas and require the individual to interact with peers in a reflective manner. The workshop is 85 minutes each week.



CHM 208

CHM 025 Organic Chemistry I Workshop

These workshops are based on the Peer-Led Team Learning model (PLTL) with students working individually and in small groups to learn and exercise problem solving techniques. The problems presented in these workshops are often not amenable to solution through ready-made formulas and require the individual to interact with peers in a reflective manner. The workshop is 85 minutes each week.



CHM 325

CHM 026 Organic Chemistry II Workshop

These workshops are based on the Peer-Led Team Learning model (PLTL) with students working individually and in small groups to learn and exercise problem solving techniques. The problems presented in these workshops are often not amenable to solution through ready-made formulas and require the individual to interact with peers in a reflective manner. The workshop is 85 minutes each week.



CHM 326

CHM 105 Chemistry in Art

The study of chemistry in a variety of art forms. Some topics to be covered: Oxidation-Reduction (Etching and Coloring of Metals); Acid-Base Chemistry (pH pens and Frescoes); Pigment types, synthesis and interactions in a matrix (Cloth dyeing, chromatography, crayons, paints, and candles); Methods of analysis (Spectroscopy and chromatography). Literature searches, laboratory records, reports, and exams will be graded.


CHM 207 General Chemistry I

For science and engineering majors. Introduction to stoichiometry, atomic structure, bonding, and reactions. Principles of solution chemistry and chemical thermodynamics included.



100-level or equivalent mathematics course or corequisite.


CHM 007, 100-level mathematics course or prerequisite. May be taken concurrently with CHM 277.

CHM 208 General Chemistry II

Principles of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium will be studied with emphasis on acid-base chemistry and electrochemistry. Other topics may include intermolecular forces, phase changes, colligative properties, organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, polymers, and biochemistry.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 207 or equivalent.


CHM 008. May be taken concurrently with CHM 278, CHM 279.

CHM 273 Special Chemistry Laboratory

For special lower-division laboratory projects. Content and credit to be arranged. Fee: $60 per credit hour.
Credit arranged.

CHM 277 General Chemistry I Lab

One three-hour laboratory period per week. Fee: $60.



CHM 207

CHM 278 General Chemistry II Lab

One three-hour laboratory per week. Fee: $60.



CHM 277


CHM 208

CHM 279 General & Analytical Chemistry Lab

One three-hour laboratory per week with an emphasis on analytical techniques to include data collection and interpretation. Required for chemistry/biochemistry majors. Fee: $60.



CHM 277


CHM 208

CHM 290 Directed Study

For special lower division study under the direction and with the permission of a faculty member. Content and credit to be arranged. Can be repeated.

Credit arranged.

CHM 303 Computational Methods in Physical Sciences

Computational techniques for solving physics and chemistry problems as well as for simulating, analyzing, and graphically visualizing physical systems and processes. Offered fall of odd years.


PHY 204 or PHY 201 and MTH 202

Cross Listed Courses

PHY 303, MTH 303

CHM 314 Analytical Chemistry

Lecture presentation of the principles of wet and instrumental methods and the treatment of analytical data.



CHM 208, CHM 279, or permission of instructor.


May be taken concurrently with CHM 379.

CHM 325 Organic Chemistry I

The first course in the year-long sequence. Theoretical concepts of organic chemistry will include nomenclature, stereochemistry, and substitution/elimination/addition reactions. Spectroscopic techniques for the determination of molecular structure including NMR, IR, UV/Vis, and MS are integrated with presented theories.



A grade of C or higher in CHM 208.


CHM 025

CHM 326 Organic Chemistry II

The second course in the year-long sequence. Synthetic pathways leading to the formation of carbonyl compounds, acids, and acid derivatives will be developed. Molecules of biological importance will be studied using the concepts developed earlier in this sequence.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 325.


CHM 026

CHM 331 Physical Chemistry I

Postulates of quantum mechanics, particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator, and hydrogen atom with application to electronic structure of atoms and molecules and to atomic and molecular spectra.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 208, PHY 205, MTH 202, or permission of instructor.

CHM 332 Physical Chemistry II

Classical and statistical thermodynamics to include Boltzmann statistics, partition functions and ensembles with applications to phase equilibria, chemical equilibria, solute-solvent interactions and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics to include rate laws, mechanisms, kinetic molecular theory and gas-phase reaction dynamics.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 331 or permission of instructor.

CHM 370 Special Laboratory

For special upper-division laboratory projects. Content, credit, and fee to be arranged. Fee: $60 per credit hour.



CHM 326

CHM 372 Physical Chemistry I Laboratory

Atomic and molecular spectroscopy to illustrate the postulates of quantum mechanics, particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator and electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Fee: $60.



CHM 331

CHM 373 Physical Chemistry II Laboratory

Experiments designed to investigate thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and gas phase reaction dynamics with applications to phase equilibria, chemical equilibria, solute-solvent interactions. Fee: $60.



CHM 332

CHM 375 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory

Techniques used in synthesis, separation, and characterization of organic compounds will be developed.  Mechanistic investigations of reactions will be presented.  With the consent of the instructor, students will modify reactants, reagents, and /or condition for reactions.  Students will learn the operation and capabilities of FT-IR, FT-NMR, and GC-MS instruments. Fee: $60.



CHM 278 or CHM 279


CHM 325

CHM 376 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

The mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions will be investigated with emphasis on Green Chemistry and reproducibility of experimental results.  Development and completion of a multiple-week, individual project. Fee: $60.



CHM 375


CHM 326

CHM 379 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Experiments in quantitative analysis, including wet, spectroscopic, electrochemical, and chromatographic methods. Additional emphasis on statistics, computerized data analysis, and report writing. Fee: $60.



CHM 314

CHM 386 Environmental Chemistry

This course is organized into three main sections in which chemical topics relevant to the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and terrestrial environments are discussed. The course also addresses anthropogenic effects on the environment, toxicology, risk assessment, environmental analysis, computer modeling, and the political and sociological aspects of environmental topics.



CHM 208

Cross Listed Courses

ENV 386

CHM 387 Service Learning in Chemistry

Faculty directed student outreach in community educational institutions. Before enrolling, students must consult with a faculty member to define goals for the project. May be repeated for credit.



CHM 207, CHM 208

CHM 390 Directed Study

Credit arranged by student in cooperation with faculty.


CHM 393 Research in Chemistry

Faculty directed student research. Before enrolling, students must consult with a faculty member to define the project. May be repeated for credit. Fee: $60 per credit hour.


CHM 412 Advanced Instrumental Theory

Theory and practice of modern chemical instrumentation.



CHM 314 or permission of instructor.


CHM 472

CHM 444 Inorganic Chemistry

Atomic structure examined from elementary quantum mechanics, valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory, ligand field theory, inorganic stereochemistry, periodic properties of elements, electrochemistry, acid-base theories.



CHM 331 or permission of instructor.

CHM 453 Biochemistry I

Physical-chemical basis of life processes. Topics include: structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; and metabolic control processes.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 326 or permission of instructor.

CHM 454 Biochemistry II

Continuation of CHM 453. Emphasis is on biosynthesis of macromolecules. Topics include photosynthesis, metabolism of amino acids, membrane synthesis, nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis, current topics in biochemistry.



A grade of C- or higher in CHM 453 or permission of instructor.

CHM 464 Polymer Science

A study covering the synthesis, physical properties, fabrication processes, and uses of nonbiological polymers. Kinetics of polymerization, condensation and addition polymerizations, copolymers, elastomers, thermosetting, glass transition temperatures, molecular weight distributions, analysis, crystal structures, plasticizers, properties of commercial polymers and plastics, fiber and elastomer processing technologies.



CHM 326 or permission of instructor.

CHM 468 Advanced Organic Chemistry

The course focuses on organic synthesis and builds upon the material covered in CHM 325 and CHM 326. Important topics are retrosynthetic analysis, protecting groups, and carbon-carbon bond forming reactions, such as advanced enolate chemistry and palladium cross coupling reactions. Important organic chemistry models, such as the Ireland, Zimmerman-Traxler, Cram and Felkin-Ahn models are presented.


CHM 326

CHM 470 Special Chemistry Laboratory

For special upper division laboratory projects. Content and credit to be arranged. Fee: $60 per credit hour.



CHM 331

CHM 471 Biochemistry Laboratory

Techniques include modern methods for separation and quantitation of biological materials, including centrifugation, high pressure liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry, and gel electrophoresis. Fee: $60.



CHM 453 or corequisite.


CHM 453 or prerequisite.

CHM 472 Advanced Instrumental Laboratory

A survey of modern instrumentation including the use of spectroscopy, electrochemistry and chromatography for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Fee $60.



CHM 412

CHM 473 Inorganic Laboratory

Techniques of inorganic synthesis including nitrogen-vacuum line, drybox, non-aqueous solvents. Methods of purification and characterization. Fee: $60.



CHM 331

CHM 477 Digital Data Acquisition and Instrument Control

Instruction in electronic circuits and computer programming for use in data acquisition and instrument control. Fee: $60.


CHM 490 Directed Study

Credit arranged by student in cooperation with faculty.


CHM 491 Chemistry Seminar

Special topic seminar. Lectures, panel discussions, student research paper, and oral presentation.

Credit arranged.

CHM 492 Chemistry Seminar

Special topic seminar. Lectures, panel discussions, student research paper, and oral presentation.

Credit arranged.

CHM 493 Research in Chemistry

Faculty-directed student research. Before enrolling, students must consult with a faculty member to define the project. May be repeated for credit. Fee: $60 per credit hour.


CHM 497 Industrial Internship

Intensive field experience in selected chemical industries. Department permission and chemistry G.P.A. of 3.0 required.


CHM 498 Senior Capstone Project

For chemistry seniors who are developing and preparing their capstone project for public presentation. Before enrolling, students must consult with a faculty member to define the project.


CHM 499 Senior Thesis

Research, study, or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.

Credit arranged.


Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area, or good standing in the honors program.