BUS 100 Introduction to Leadership Skills

Introduces students to the key skill bases in leadership (team building, communication and problem solving). Covers these skills within global and ethical frameworks. Course includes one Saturday team building requirement. Must be completed by all students during their first two semesters in the business program.  Fee: $100



School of Business students only

BUS 101 Software Applications Workshop

Examines the coordinated usage of software applications commonly found in businesses today and approaches for utilizing them to enhance productivity. Covers analysis tools (e.g. Excel) including modeling and features of Word and PowerPoint that improve effectiveness.


BUS 104 Math for Business and Analytics I

Introduces fundamental mathematical concepts and methods necessary for business and analytics. Reviews mathematical foundations including mathematical notation, algebraic manipulation, functions, sets and probability, and formulating mathematical expressions. Emphasizes problem solving with examples from various business disciplines including Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Operations & Technology Management.


BUS 150 Smart Money I

Develops critical life skills: smart, ethical money management. Learn: how to create a budget and build credit; how to take advantage of the magic of compounding; time tested techniques for socially meaningful and successful investing; and how to tailor a personal plan to ensure financial security, balance, and happiness in your life. Course is graded P/NP.