
Business Management - A.A.S. Degree (Career)

For curriculum information, contact the Business and Computer Systems Division—Room DH-239—443-518-1520.

Students enrolling in the business management program will have the opportunity to gain a variety of business and management skills designed to prepare them for immediate employment as management trainees. Students currently employed, as well as students with no prior experience, will be able to select from a number of tracks developed to meet individual career goals. The major emphasis of the business management program is the development and improvement of business and management skills and the opportunity to select a specific career emphasis.

General Education Core


Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Arts or Literature Core Course


BMGT-142Bus. Dev. & Sales for Emerging Leaders

3 credits


BMGT-175Business Communications

3 credits


SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits


SPCH-110Interpersonal Communication

3 credits

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleCredits
-History Core Course



Course NumberTitleCredits
-Science Core Courses


must include one course with lab


Course NumberTitleCredits
-Mathematics Core Course



Course NumberTitleCredits
Interdisciplinary -Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Core Course


Required Courses Related to the Major


Required Courses

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACCT-111Principles of Accounting I

3 credits

ACCT-112Principles of Accounting II

3 credits

BMGT-100Introduction to Business & Organization

3 credits

BMGT-130Principles of Marketing

3 credits

CMSY-110Software Applications for Micros

3 credits

ECON-101Principles of Economics (Macro)

3 credits

Select one of the following tracks along with the General Education Core and Courses Related to Major to complete the degree in Business Management, Financial Planning, or Business Management in the Virtual Environment.

Business Management Track


Application Code 37A

This track creates the skills for a broad sector of general business managers. Whether they are aspiring, new, or experienced managers, students will be prepared to successfully manage businesses of any size across all industries.

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-141Supervisory Development

3 credits

BMGT-145Principles of Management

3 credits

BMGT-200Managing for the Future

3 credits

BMGT-203Business Ethics

3 credits

BMGT-205Principles of International Business

3 credits

BMGT-240Human Resource Management

3 credits

BMGT-241Project Management

3 credits

Electives – Select 3 credits from the following (3 credits each):

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-120Small Business Management

3 credits

BMGT-201Business Work Experience I

3-4 credits

BMGT-204Taking Your Business Mobile

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Total Credit Hours: 63-66

Financial Planning Track


Application Code 37B

This practical track creates the skills needed for more effective personal financial decisions in today’s world. By including such topics as retirement, housing decisions, investing, and managing loans and other credit areas, a complete set of tools to improve individual and business money choices will be learned. Resources to manage serious challenges such as overwhelming debt, foreclosures, etc. will also be presented in this program track. The knowledge gained is appropriate for each of the typical life-cycle related areas for all family members, young and not-so-young, as well as those in small-to-medium-sized businesses.

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-205Principles of International Business

3 credits

FNPL-101Personal Financial Planning Principles

3 credits

FNPL-106Credit Management

3 credits

FNPL-108Financial Planning for Retirement

3 credits

FNPL-110Estate Planning and Elder Law

3 credits

FNPL-206Banking and Financial Planning

3 credits

FNPL-210Financial Planning Seminar

1 credit

Electives – Select 3 credits from the following (3 credits each):

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-145Principles of Management

3 credits

FNPL-201Investment Analysis and Portfolio Selection

3 credits

FNPL-202Risk Management and Insurance

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 61-64

Business in the Virtual Environment Track


Application Code 37D

This track provides students with opportunities to acquire up-to-date business and management skills designed for successful employment in business environments in which virtual technologies contribute to efficiency and productivity. This curriculum provides opportunities to gain business skills applicable to various settings and supplements these with appropriate technical knowledge and skills to enhance business output through the implementation of virtual technology. The courses are appropriate for students who will work in virtual environments, such as home businesses or telecommuting. It will also be of benefit to those seeking employment in established and forward-looking businesses.

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-200Managing for the Future

3 credits

BMGT-203Business Ethics

3 credits

BMGT-204Taking Your Business Mobile

3 credits

CMSY-154Protecting the Virtual Office

3 credits

CMSY-168Developing for the Web

3 credits

CMSY-211Web Tools for Successful Business

3 credits

CMSY-212Virtual Process Management in Business

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60-63