
Information Technology - A.A. Degree (Transfer)

For curriculum information, contact the Business and Computer Systems Division—Room DH-239—443-518-1520.

This curriculum is a guide for transferring to a four-year institution, such as the University of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, or the University of Maryland University College to complete a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. Students may select from the following tracks: PC/Network Hardware/iNet, Programming, Cisco Networking, Web Development, Computer Technology Forensics, and Mobile Applications Development Track. Students are advised to check the requirements of the major at the institutions to which they intend to transfer.

General Education Core

Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.


Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Humanities Core Course

-Arts Core Course

-Literature Core Course


One Humanities Core Course (3 credits), plus one Arts Core Course (3 credits), plus one Literature Core Course (3 credits) satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits), plus another Humanities, Arts, and Literature Core (3 credits) in a second discipline other than a world language satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement.

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Courses


One History Core Course is required and may be taken as either a Social and Behavioral Sciences Core or a Humanities Core. No more than 6 credits may be taken in History to meet Humanities Core and Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirements.


Course NumberTitleCredits
-Science Core Courses


must include one course with lab


Course NumberTitleCredits
MATH-141College Algebra

3 credits





Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-110Software Applications for Micros

3 credits

PC/Network Hardware/iNet Track

Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 178E


Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-105Personal Computer Systems Repair I


CMSY-106Personal Computer Systems Repair II


CMSY-121Structured Logic and Program Design

3 credits

CMSY-147Introduction to Web Site Authoring

3 credits

CMSY-154Protecting the Virtual Office

3 credits


4 credits

SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits

Electives – Select 7-9 credits from the following (3 credits each, except where noted):

Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-134Introduction to Operating Systems

1 credit

CMSY-142Operating System Fundamentals I

1 credit

CMSY-143Operating System Fundamentals II

1 credit

CMSY-153Introduction to Flash

3 credits

CMSY-162Introduction to Network Security Systems


CMSY-168Developing for the Web

3 credits

CMSY-169Mobile Design and Development Principles

3 credits

CMSY-250Systems Analysis and Design


CMSY-255Introduction to Unix and Linux


CMSY-256Linux Server Administration

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:7-9

Total Credit Hours: 60-67

Programming Track

Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 171B


Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-121Structured Logic and Program Design

3 credits

CMSY-168Developing for the Web

3 credits

CMSY-181Introduction to C++ Programming

4 credits

CMSY-190Introduction to Visual Basic.NET

3 credits

CMSY-199Introduction to Java


CMSY-203Introduction to PHP

3 credits

CMSY-250Systems Analysis and Design


SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits

Electives – Select 6 credits from the following (3 credits each):

Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-153Introduction to Flash

3 credits

CMSY-169Mobile Design and Development Principles

3 credits

CMSY-195Intermediate Visual Basic.NET

3 credits

CMSY-217Java III - Advanced

3 credits

CMSY-248Introduction to XML


CMSY-255Introduction to Unix and Linux


CMSY-256Linux Server Administration

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 62-67


Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 171C


Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-105Personal Computer Systems Repair I


CMSY-106Personal Computer Systems Repair II


CMSY-121Structured Logic and Program Design

3 credits

CSCO-281Network Fundamentals


CSCO-282Routing Protocols and Concepts


CSCO-283LAN Switching and Wireless Network

3 credits

CSCO-284Accessing the WAN

3 credits

CSCO-652Implementing IP Switches


SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits


4 credits

Total Credit Hours: 62-67

Web Development Track

Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 171E


Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-204Taking Your Business Mobile

3 credits

CMSY-147Introduction to Web Site Authoring

3 credits

CMSY-154Protecting the Virtual Office

3 credits

CMSY-168Developing for the Web

3 credits

CMSY-203Introduction to PHP

3 credits

CMSY-211Web Tools for Successful Business

3 credits

SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits

Electives – Select 9 credits from the following (3 credits each):

Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-153Introduction to Flash

3 credits

CMSY-169Mobile Design and Development Principles

3 credits

CMSY-205Advanced JavaScript

3 credits

CMSY-248Introduction to XML


CMSY-255Introduction to Unix and Linux


CMSY-256Linux Server Administration

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:9

Total Credit Hours: 61-66

Computer Technology Forensics Track

Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 171F

The Computer Technology Forensics track is for those students who plan to pursue entry-level careers in the emerging field of computer forensics or are seeking advanced skill in the examination and preservation of electronic evidence using computer forensics standards and documentation. Computer Forensics involves the examination and preservation of electronic evidence for use in legal proceedings, administrative hearings, information technology, and business. Articulation has been established with the University of Baltimore, and it is recommended that students acquaint themselves with the course requirements of the institution to which they intend to transfer. This Computer Forensics Technology track is for computer information technology majors only. The program fully maps to the eight knowledge domains as currently specified by the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3).

Course NumberTitleCredits
CFOR-101Computer Forensics I


CFOR-200Computer Forensics II


CFOR-210Computer Forensics III


CFOR-250Computer Network Forensic Technology


CMSY-105Personal Computer Systems Repair I


CMSY-219Operating Systems

3 credits

CRIM-101Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 credits

CRIM-108Cyber Law Ethical Practices

3 credits

MSFT-299Fundamentals and Practice for Network+ Certification

3 credits

SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 61-66

Mobile Applications Development Track

Choose one of the tracks and complete all courses listed for the track. (Consult with an advisor for course requirements of different transfer schools.)

Application Code 171G


Course NumberTitleCredits
CMSY-168Developing for the Web

3 credits

CMSY-169Mobile Design and Development Principles

3 credits

CMSY-181Introduction to C++ Programming

4 credits

CMSY-199Introduction to Java


CMSY-205Advanced JavaScript

3 credits

CMSY-282Integrated Mobile Application Developmnt

3 credits

SPCH-105Fundamentals of Public Speaking

3 credits

Electives – Select 9-11 credits from the following (3 credits each, except where noted):

Course NumberTitleCredits
BMGT-204Taking Your Business Mobile

3 credits

CMSY-121Structured Logic and Program Design

3 credits

CMSY-152Introduction to Javascript


CMSY-153Introduction to Flash

3 credits

CMSY-203Introduction to PHP

3 credits

CMSY-217Java III - Advanced

3 credits

CMSY-248Introduction to XML


CMSY-281Advanced C++ Programming

4 credits

Total Credit Hours:9-11

Total Credit Hours: 62-69