5.4. Course-Failure

The program has established definitions and quantitative measures for what constitutes a pass or failure in a PA program course. Given these measures are more stringent that than the Institute’s overall standards, they are detailed below. In the PA program, the following constitute a course failure:

  • Preclinical course: overall course grade of <77%; a CAT failure (grade <77%) or failure to achieve a passing score on reflexive CAT [refer to section 11.2.4 under exam failures]
  • Clinical year clerkships: score of <67% on an EOR or Clerkship final evaluation of Unsatisfactory
  • Clinical year seminar courses: overall performance <77%

No more than two failed preclinical courses may be considered for remediation as outlined in section 5.4.1. Failure of a third didactic course will result in referral to the Student Development Committee for Program and is grounds for dismissal.

One failed clinical year course may be considered for remediated as outlined in section 5.4.1. Failure of a second clinical year course will result in referral to the Student Development Committee and is grounds for dismissal.

Refer to sections 5.4.1 for the program remediation policy for course failures.