5.6. Dismissal

Students are subject to dismissal from the Program if any of the following criteria applies:

  • Failure to attain a GPA of 3.0 after one semester on academic probation for a GPA below 3.0 [as outlined in the MGH IHP Catalogue under Section VI titled Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress in the Grading Policy section.]
  • Failure of a third course in the Preclinical year (regardless of whether the first two failed courses were successfully remediated).
  • Failure of a second Clinical year course
  • Failure to successfully complete any of the following required competency examinations: end of Preclinical Year Summative examinations; end of Clinical Year Summative examinations [refer to section 5.5 on summative examinations]
  • Is recommended for dismissal by the Student Development Committee related to the specifics of one or more Notifications of Concern.
  • Demonstrates illegal and/or unethical behaviors that are inconsistent with the Program's Professionalism Standards or Student Code of Conduct, including behaviors that jeopardize the safety of a patient, peer, instructor, or the student.