9.2.4. Incomplete Grades

Students who become ill, have a medical emergency, a death in the immediate family or other extreme hardship may submit a written request for an extension of time to complete a course to the course coordinator on or before the date grades are due to the Registrar at the conclusion of the course. Students are encouraged to consult with their faculty advisor when submitting a request for an extension of time to complete a course. The request must stipulate a reason as outlined above (personal health information does not need to be disclosed). Students requesting an Incomplete must be performing at a passing level to be considered. Requests must be approved by both the course coordinator and the Program Director. The course coordinator determines the due date for all incomplete work. When at all possible, the due date should be prior to the start of the next semester. Any Incompletes expected to extend beyond the next semester must be approved by the Program Director. If the course work is not completed by the agreed-to time frame the “I” grade is converted to an “F” grade.