Educational Psychology, Certificate of Advanced Study

This certificate is designed for practicing teachers who already possess a graduate degree in Educational Psychology and who are interested in engaging in continuing graduate study that will add to their current professional competencies in areas like neuropsychology, counseling psychology or advanced intervention techniques.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must submit:

  • Scores from the General Aptitude Section of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken within the last five years
  • Four letters of recommendation, at least two of which are academic in nature, regarding the applicant’s capacity for graduate work
  • A professional resume or curriculum vitae describing relevant background and work experiences

This degree requires:

  • 30 SH

Required Courses

CAS Core - 3 SH

EDL546Perspective and Administration of Policy

Program Requirements - 27 SH

Any EPS or EPD courses with advisor approval