Technology in Education, M.S.Ed.

This program provides a strong foundation in educational philosophy and instructional design to prepare preK–12 teachers to effectively integrate and assess technology in their content areas. It is designed for candidates seeking the Technology Specialist Certification (Type 10). Visit the Illinois State Board of Education for specific requirements, updates and amendments.

As a Master of Science in Education degree, this program is also designed to enable students to pursue continued study at the post master’s level.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must:

This degree requires:

  • 36 SH
  • An internship
  • A thesis

MSED Core - 10 SH

ESR503Applied Research Methods for Educational Psychologists

ESR505Educational Inquiry and Assessment

EPS541Cognition and Instruction

FND511Social and Cultural Politics of Education: Personal and Contextual Perspectives

Program Requirements - 26 SH

TIE532Applications of Technology in Schools

TIE533Technology Based Analysis and Databased Decision Making

TIE535Instructional Design for Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum

TIE542Designing Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning

TIE544Curriculum Applications of Multimedia Authoring

TIE575Leading Staff Development in Educational Technology

TIE512Students Using Technology for Inquiry Learning and Problem Solving

TIE592Portfolio Development Seminar

TIE593Seminar in Technology in Education

TIE599Thesis/Technology in Education