MUS 301 Music History I

A study of the people, events, and elements of musical performance-practice which contributed to the development of the various style trends before 1820. Required for music majors. Open to others with permission of instructor.


MUS 302 Music History II

A continuation of Music 301. A further study of musical style trends and their practitioners from 1800 to present. Required for music majors. Open to others with permission of instructor.


MUS 303 Classical Music and Musicians

A survey of classical music, from the middle ages to the present, that examines landmark styles, genres, and composers. Fee: $100.



FA 207

MUS 304 Development of Music In Europe

Survey of music history from Beethoven to the present (Salzburg only.)


MUS 307 Scoring and Arranging

A study of the basic techniques in effective scoring and arranging for various instrumental and vocal ensembles.



MUS 202 or permission of instructor.

MUS 309 World Music

A study of the music and musical idioms of a variety of non-Western cultures. With use of aural and visual examples, the student will develop both an understanding and an appreciation of the enriching role of music in diverse cultures of the world. Required of music majors. Open to all students.


MUS 310 Fundamentals of Music Technology

Complete basic course in the understanding of electronic music. Topics include history, analog theory, methods of synthesis, digital theory, music instrument digital interface (MIDI), computers, audio recording, and digital sampling. Lab activities to be completed weekly. Open to all students with instructor approval. Fee: $30.


MUS 331 Conducting

Techniques of conducting choral and instrumental ensembles with practical experience in laboratory situations. Required of all music majors. Open to all students by permission of instructor.


MUS 336 Diction for Singers

This course is intended to meet the needs of all voice students anticipating continued involvement in group or solo activities. Study will concentrate on principles of voice production and articulation, including the use of IPA for foreign languages.


MUS 338 Teaching Elementary School Music

Philosophy, materials, and methods of teaching classroom music from kindergarten through elementary school.


MUS 339 Teaching Middle School Music

Philosophy, materials, and methods of teaching instrumental, general, and vocal music for grades 6-9.


MUS 340 Teaching Secondary School Music

Philosophy, materials, and methods of teaching instrumental, general, and vocal music for grades 10-12.