PSY 400 History of Psychology

Psychological ideas and theories from their philosophical origins to the present. Discussion of five main schools of psychology and how they influence current thought in psychology.



PSY 101

PSY 430 Psychology of Language

Study of the nature of language, how humans use language, how humans learn language, the psychological factors in language use, and the neural basis of language. Students will study the knowledge and processes that underlie a person's ability to produce and understand language.



PSY 101

PSY 450 Cross Cultural Psychology

Explores relationships between cultural variables and human behavior. The development of cross cultural psychology and research methodologies used by cross cultural researchers in examined. Theories that reflect the cultural, social, and developmental perspectives on behavior are considered.



PSY 101

PSY 455 Health Psychology

Considers the implications of combined medical, psychological, and pastoral care models on health and recovery. Special attention given to influences in health of personality, social context, belief and meaning, and mind-body connection.



PSY 101

PSY 461 Introduction to Gerontology

This course introduces students to the field of gerontology. The course examines the aging process and its impact upon the individual, the family, and society. The course also covers various social, cultural, political, and economic issues for older adults in our society.



PSY 101 or SOC 101 or SW 205 or permission of instructor.

Cross Listed Courses

SOC 461, SW 461

PSY 462 Group Counseling

Introduction to group dynamics, contemporary models of group counseling, and the development of group skills.



PSY 101 or SW 205 or permission of instructor.

Cross Listed Courses

SW 462

PSY 463 Children, Youth, and Society

This course is about child and youth development as embedded in social and cultural contexts. The particular emphasis will be on early childhood through the transition into adulthood, and on thinking about childhood and youth as social phenomena. The course is reading/discussion intensive and involves a community-based learning project.



PSY 101

Cross Listed Courses

SOC 463

PSY 464 Interventions with Children and Youth

This course examines theory, practice, and evaluation of interventions for children and youth across family, community, and institutional contexts. Students will critically analyze areas such as prevention, resilience, and positive youth development and develop specific skills through experiential practice laboratory sessions. Attention will be paid to effective and culturally appropriate programs and strategies for traditionally marginalized and oppressed populations.


PSY 101

Cross Listed Courses

SW 464

PSY 470 Psychology of Aggression

Major theories which account for aggressive behavior or violence. Emphasis given to personality, social, biological, and environmental determinants of aggression and violence.



PSY 101

PSY 480 Clinical and Counseling Psychology

Review of major theories and techniques of psychotherapy; issues in the contemporary practice of psychotherapy.



PSY 101

PSY 490 Directed Study

Guided inquiry for superior students by arrangement with the psychology faculty.


PSY 491 Seminar

Credit arranged.


PSY 492 Seminar

Credit arranged.


PSY 494 Research

Participate directly in the research process with a faculty member. Before enrolling a student must consult with a faculty member to define project.



PSY 214, PSY 215

PSY 497 Internship

Practical field experience working within a human service organization. Internships are individually arranged and may be done in a wide array of settings. Students will be required to supplement their experience with a classroom seminar. Psychology majors may take up to 6 credits in internships.


SW 205 or PSY 101 or SOC 101

Cross Listed Courses

SW 497, SOC 497

PSY 498A Senior Capstone: Applied Projects

This course is a senior capstone option for psychology majors in their final year of studies who have interests in applying psychological science in community-based settings. The course will integrate skills and concepts from the psychology major, and be oriented by a project related to mental health work, youth work/education, business, or other related areas of applied psychology. 


PSY 214, PSY 215, senior standing, or permission of the instructor

PSY 498S Senior Capstone: Seminar

A capstone seminar for psychology majors designed to help the student integrate major contemporary psychological methods, theories, and research findings. Restricted to senior psychology majors.



PSY 214, PSY 215

PSY 499 Senior Capstone: Thesis

Research, study, or original work under direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of the thesis director (and department chair or director of the honors program when appropriate), along with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the major.



PSY 214, PSY 215, senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area or good standing in the honors program.