Social Sciences:

Fuliang and Louise Chang Award

Awarded annually to the senior student majoring in Sociology who shows greatest promise in the field of sociology or social work. Although excellence in scholarship is important, promise for service is also a major consideration. The children and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chang, on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, established this fund.

Dallas and Betty Johnson Sociology Scholarship

Awarded annually to an outstanding graduating senior in Sociology who plans to enroll in graduate school for further professional development. Excellence in scholarship is important along with the senior’s future study plans and identification of goals for work and service upon the completion of an advanced degree. Ms. Elizabeth Ann Sears, along with friends and family of Dallas and Betty Johnson, established this endowed fund to honor Dallas Johnson’s remarkable career with Native Americans in the Southwest United States.

Albert G. Weidler Memorial Scholarship in Social Studies

Mr. E.R. Brann established this award in memory of Dr. Albert Greer Weidler, Dean of Labor and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business for many years. The award is given for excellence in social studies or business administration.

John F. White Memorial Scholarship in Gerontology

This fund provides assistance and incentive for qualified students to pursue graduate study leading to careers in research or service in the field of gerontology. Funds can be used by the awardee for any expenses related to the pursuit of graduate study, including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, and educationally related travel. The scholarship is named for John White, a former professor of Psychology and Chairperson of the Psychology Department at Berea.