CIC - Curriculum and Instruction, Core

CIC 501 Baseline Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction

This course prepares Curriculum and Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations M.Ed. and Ed.S. degree candidates for successful pursuit of their graduate program of studies at NLU. As an introductory experience, the course welcomes new candidates to NLU and the National College of Education (NCE), introduces them to NCE’s institutional identity, history, mission, values, and learning technologies, supports candidates’ creation of an electronic portfolio and expressions of professional identity, helps them explore applicable codes of educator ethics, and sets the stage for successful pursuit of academic concentrations and professional endorsements within the Curriculum and Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations program. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


CIC 503 Curriculum Design and Evaluation

This course examines curriculum design, assessment, and evaluation as interrelated components. The curriculum design component focuses on how theory, history, values, context and politics impact curriculum and on making informed decisions about how the processes of design and evaluation support enduring understanding for all learners. The evaluation component requires students document the findings of their field study. Prerequisite(s): {exceptions required permission of C&I Program} completion of 3sh CIC 592 with the minimum grade of B, completion of 3sh CIC 504 with a minimum grade of B. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 504 Instructional Decision Making

This course examines the critical role of the teacher in the instructional decision making process. Focus is placed on analyzing various teaching practices that serve diverse learner needs in relation to their underpinning assumptions, current research, and evidence of student learning. During this course candidates plan the implementation stage of a curricular segment that supports enduring understandings. Prerequisite(s) {exceptions require C&I program permission}: Admission to the C&I program; Completion of CIC 592 with a minimum grade of B. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 511 Designing Curriculum for 21st Century Skills

This course provides an integrated experience for candidates in the Curriculum and Instruction concentration of the M.Ed. and Ed.S. programs. Candidates analyze the interrelatedness of relevant current educational issues and engage their skills of reflective practice to examine their professional goals, understandings, development, and advocacy initiatives. Focus during this course is on examining and analyzing the current trends in preK-12 education as they relate to 21st century skills so that candidates develop advanced curricular capacities in content areas. Candidates will initiate a self-study to demonstrate their growth in in content knowledge and targets for continued professional development. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 521 Developing Content Area Curriculum

In this course, candidates explore the various types of curricular design and how they are recognized in practice. Through engaging in readings, discussions and field based research, they will explore their current practice in their chosen area of curricular expertise, including how they have made decisions on what to teach, how those decisions are in alignment with their philosophical stances, and how they currently do or do or do not enact their beliefs in their learning communities. The coursework will direct them to identify aspects of their practice that could be improved to meet the needs of their students using the conceptual thinking model and then arrive at a deeper understanding of that specific content area. Pre-requisite(s): None but having previously taken CIC 511 is highly encouraged. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 529 Curriculum and Instruction II: Analysis and Application

Students analyze and apply conceptual frameworks of curriculum and instruction to focused areas of study, such as: (1) assessment, grouping practice/tracking, inclusion, integrative curriculum, technology; (2) research and application in selected content areas; (3) exploration of primary, intermediate, middle, secondary, and/or adult levels as contexts for curriculum and instruction. Participants explore ways to develop and support a professional development plan documented by a professional portfolio. Participants integrate technology into their professional work. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to the M.Ed. IDS Program, field-based . Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 531 Implementing and Assessing Content Area Curriculum

In this course, the focus of the course content is to explore a specific area of enacted curriculum and analyze its current implementation for gaps, biases, and the hidden curriculum. Candidates in the program will be supported to demonstrate an understanding of how to create meaningful surveys to elicit clear and meaningful data from their students or stakeholders and then how to analyze the results of the enacted change based on data collected. To further their expertise as content area specialists, they will be guided to construct a plan for future implementation based on their data analysis and teaching/ learning contexts. Pre-requisite(s): None but having previously taken CIC 511 and CIC 521 is highly encouraged. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 550 Capstone Project

This capstone course represents the culminating seminar of the MEd/EdS in Specialized Endorsements. Learning activities allow candidates to demonstrate the professional learning and career development that occur while candidates complete their personalized set of courses. The Capstone Project requires candidates to synthesize their learning by demonstrating how this was applied to their classrooms or schools to improve the quality of learning outcomes. The Career Development Portfolio requires candidates to document their career development action plans and professional growth. Collectively these two tasks provide evidence of the impact of the program on the candidates' school/classroom and career development. Pre-requisite(s): Complete all courses required for the relevant endorsements. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 555 Mid-Program Seminar in Curriculum & Instruction

The course supports Curriculum & Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations M.Ed. and Ed.S degree candidates with a formative mid-program examination of candidates’ progress in pursuit of the M.Ed. or Ed.S. degree with Advanced Professional Specializations. The course prompts candidates and faculty to evaluate candidates’ content knowledge and competencies after taking CIC 501 and content-centered courses in their selected Advanced Professional Specializations. As a midprogram experience, the course provides a platform for candidates to: (1) reflect on and describe their gains in content knowledge and curriculum theory across courses; (2) revisit the concept of educator dispositions in comparison to classroom realities; (3) elaborate on their evolving professional identities; (4) engage in a case study analysis involving educator ethics; and (5) update their in-progress electronic portfolios capturing evidence of new knowledge and capacities as experienced teachers. Pre-requisite(s): CIC 501. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


CIC 591 Field Study/Curriculum and Instruction

This course provides teachers with an opportunity for an organized exploration of a relevant topic, issue or problem related to their current field of work (i.e., classrooms, schools and communities). Teachers are encouraged to work with colleagues in the field-based program and/or with teaching colleagues as they pursue their explorations. Prerequisite(s): C&I students: Approval by academic advisor. IDS students: Admission to the Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Curriculum and Instruction and completion of Term I. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

CIC 592 Seminar: Educational Inquiries

This course provides both an introductory and culminating integrating experience for candidates in the Curriculum and Instruction program. Candidates analyze the interrelatedness of relevant educational issues and engage the skills of reflective practice to examine their professional goals, understandings, development, and advocacy initiatives. Focus during the introductory experience is on understanding the dimensions and tools of viewing one's professional practice through cognitive, critical, narrative lenses. Focus during the culminating integrating experience is on completing a formal self-study that illustrates understanding of one's professional practice, applying the cognitive, critical, narrative lenses to exhibit competencies, growth and targets for continued development. Prerequisite(s) {exceptions require permission of the C&I program} Admission or application for admission to the C&I program. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIC 593 Seminar: Educational Inquiries

Provides a culminating and integrating experience for students studying curriculum and instruction. Students will be asked to explore, from the generalist point of view, the interrelatedness of curriculum and instruction, prekindergarten through secondary school. The seminar will also include critical analysis of learning acquired and the production of concrete evidence of accumulated learning. Pre-requisite(s): Consent of department. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 semester hours


CIC 594 Independent Study/Curriculum and Instruction

The purpose of this independent study in curriculum and instruction is to provide participants with the opportunity to investigate a topic, problem, or issue of specific relevance to their work with singular focus and depth. The topic(s) of choice may or may not be directly linked to classroom practice but should be of relevance to their individual goals and professional aspirations as a teacher. Prerequisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

CIC 595 Selected Topics in Curriculum and Instruction

This course provides the student with the opportunity to explore current or specialized topics in the field of curriculum or instruction. 1-6 semester hours

1 TO 9

CIC 597 Capstone Seminar in Curriculum & Instruction

The course supports M.Ed. and Ed.S. degree candidates in the Curriculum & Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations program with a culminating addition to the candidates’ professional portfolio and a summative assessment of candidates’ final results in their pursuits of concentrations in Advanced Professional Specializations. The course enables candidates to complete their electronic portfolio with postings of candidate work demonstrating knowledge and competencies in the respective areas of curriculum expertise selected by the candidates. Faculty assess candidates’ progress after taking CIC 501 ,CIC 555 and content-centered courses in their selected academic specializations. As a capstone experience, the course provides a platform for candidates to: (1) integrate their work across selected concentrations; (2) engage in a final reflection on the topic of educator ethics with an interview simulation assignment; (3) write concluding narratives on each concentration and on the holistic experience of earning their advanced endorsements or degrees. Pre-requisite(s): CIC 555. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour