EXAC 1101 Lifetime Fitness

This class introduces students to basic concepts of wellness, fitness and lifestyle management through classroom instruction and physical activity. The course includes principles of physical fitness including cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition and nutrition. Students will apply this knowledge in developing an individual fitness program. Lab fee. 


EXAC 1105 Low Organized Activities

Games and teaching strategies for teaching elementary physical education. Involves the philosophy of "New PE" and Developmentally Appropriate Activities. Designed for elementary education majors. Lab fee.

EXAC 1109 Aerobic Walking

This course introduces students to basic concepts of walking for health and fitness. This course covers proper technique for fitness walking, power walking, race walking and basics of cardio respiratory exercise prescription, flexibility, hydration and nutrition.  Lab fee. 


EXAC 1110 Basic Tennis

Knowledge of tennis rules and officiating with instruction and practice in the skills of the game including the service, forehand and backhand ground strokes, and volleys. Lab fee.


EXAC 1111 Intermediate Tennis

A continuation of EXSS 1110 with additional tennis skills such as the lob, overhead smash, drop shots, and experience in competitive play. Prerequisite: Adequate skill. Lab fee.


EXAC 1112 Roller Skating and Inline

This course introduces students to basic techniques and skills of roller and inline skating such as forward and backwards skating. turning, stopping, body position, and balance.


EXAC 1120 Basic Swimming

Students will learn fundamentals of freestyle and backstroke. Emphasis will be placed on kicking, pulling, and breathing techniques. No prior swimming experience required. Lab Fee


EXAC 1121 Intermediate Swimming

Students will review technique for freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Emphasis will be placed on stroke refinement and cardiovascular conditioning. Proficiency in freestyle, including rhythmic breathing and swimming with your face in the water is required. Prior team experience, private lessons, or successful completion of Basic Swimming (EXSS 1120) suggested. Lab Fee


EXAC 1191 Seminar

Lab Fee