MUSI 3140 Advanced Diction: French

An intensive study of the principles and practice of French diction as defined by current performance standards, including International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and poetic readings. Prerequisite: MUSI 1220 or permission of the instructor.


MUSI 3180 Church Music Internship

Church Music ministry experience in a field service setting (paid or unpaid). Require­ments include field-based observation by church and faculty supervisors.

MUSI 3240 Advanced Diction: Italian & German

An intensive study of the principles and practice of German and Italian diction as defined by current performance standards, including International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and poetic readings. Prerequisite: MUSI 1220 or permission of the instructor.


MUSI 3289 Service Playing

A study of playing in worship and other services (i.e. weddings, etc.) and of the use of the organ and/or piano in worship service. Discussion of service literature, hymn playing, and selecting new instruments for the church. Prerequisite: MUSI 2005 or equivalent. Permission of instructor.


MUSI 3335 Technology for Worship Ministry

An orientation to the technologies used in church music and worship ministry.


MUSI 3336 Advanced Music Technology

Students will build on skills from Introduction to Music Technology to further develop skills in audio recording, editing, and mixing.


MUSI 3344 History of Church Music and Worship

A survey of church music and worship from the Old Testament to the contemporary church. 

MUSI 3353 Music History II

A survey of the history, music literature, and compositional techniques and styles from 1750 to present.


MUSI 3356 American Music History and Literature

An in-depth study of the history, literature, compositional techniques and styles of art music, folk, popular, and jazz idioms of the United States.


MUSI 3361 Elementary Music

Participation in music experiences for the lower- and upper-grade elementary child. Song-singing, listening, movement, and music literacy pedagogy. Observation and clinical experiences in public school classrooms will be required. Prerequisites MUSI 2268 and EDUC 3315.


MUSI 3362 Secondary Choral Methods

Study of teaching vocal ensembles in the middle school and high school setting, including strategies for program management, repertoire selection, and rehearsal techniques. Observation and clinical experiences in public school classrooms will be required. Prerequisites: MUSI 2268 and EDUC 3315

MUSI 3363 Choral Literature

A comprehensive survey covering the vast choral output of major composers and style periods; literature suitable for school, church, and civic choruses. Prerequisite: MUSI 2265.


MUSI 3364 Band and Orchestra Literature

A comprehensive survey of Band and Orchestra literature of representative composers and style periods, suitable for use with school performing organizations. Prerequisite: MUSI 2265.


MUSI 3365 Advanced Choral Conducting

A practicum covering the theory and application of choral conducting, emphasizing performance and rehearsal techniques, programming strategies, score reading and analysis. Prerequisite: MUSI 2265.


MUSI 3367 Advanced Instrumental Conducting

A practicum covering the theory and application of instrumental conducting, emphasizing performance and rehearsal techniques, programming strategies, score reading and analysis. Prerequisite: MUSI 2265.


MUSI 3368 Secondary Instrumental Methods

Study of teaching instrumental ensembles in the middle school and high school setting, including strategies for program management, repertoire selection, and rehearsal techniques. Observation and clinical experiences in public school classrooms will be required. Prerequisites: MUSI 2268 and EDUC 3315


MUSI 3370 Advanced Diction

An intensive study of the principles and practice of diction as defined by current performance standards using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Prerequisite MUSI 1220 or permission of the instructor.


MUSI 3375 Piano Pedagogy

An overview of current instructional methods and materials for beginning and elementary piano students. Establishment and operation of a piano studio, including business procedures, student recruitment, and professional ethics will be studied. Class and private piano instruction will be discussed. Observations will be required.


MUSI 3377 Vocal Pedagogy

A study of the human vocal mechanism and a survey of teaching methods for individual and group voice instruction. Observations required.


MUSI 3381 The Songs of Worship

A historical survey of congregational music and Christian hymnody.