Courses Approved to Meet Perspective Areas

The Committee on General Education (COGE) has approved the following courses to meet Perspective Area Requirements in the General Education Program. COGE continues to review program proposals for additional courses to meet Perspective Areas in the General Education Program.

Degree Requirements

Arts Perspective

AFR 141/ENG 141African-American Lit (ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 234/MUS 234Afr-Amer Mus:Overview(MUS)

1 Course Credit

APS 213/TAD 213Appalachian Crafts (TEC)

1 Course Credit

APS 224/MUS 224Appalachian Music (MUS)

1 Course Credit

ARH 210Topics in Islamic Art & Archit

1 Course Credit

ARH 220Topics in Indian Art H (AST)

1 Course Credit

ARH 230Topics in Latin American Art

1 Course Credit

ARH 232Classical Art & Archaeology

1 Course Credit

ARH 233Art&Arch Ancnt Nr East&Egypt

1 Course Credit

ARH 242Medieval Art

1 Course Credit

ART 111Printmaking I

1 Course Credit

ART 115Drawing Fundamentals

1 Course Credit

ART 116Painting I

1 Course Credit

ART 123Ceramics I

1 Course Credit

ART 125Fibers I

1 Course Credit

ART 130Sculpture I

1 Course Credit

AST 220Topics in Indian Art H (ARH)

1 Course Credit

CFS 238Human Environments II

1 Course Credit

COM 211Broadcast Journalism I

1 Course Credit

CSC 111Storytelling-Comp Animation

1 Course Credit

ENG 124Intro to Creative Writing

1 Course Credit

ENG 141/AFR 141African-American Lit (AFR)

1 Course Credit

ENG 200Studies in Time

1 Course Credit

ENG 282Workshop in Creative Writing

1 Course Credit

FRN 320Panorama of French Lit I

1 Course Credit

FRN 321Panorama of French Lit II

1 Course Credit

FRN 325Seventeenth Century Frn Lit

1 Course Credit

FRN 330Nineteenth Century French Lit

1 Course Credit

FRN 340Twentieth Century French Lit

1 Course Credit

GER 320German Poetry

1 Course Credit

GER 325German Narrative Prose

1 Course Credit

GER 330German Drama

1 Course Credit

GER 340German Novel

1 Course Credit

HIS 210/LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (LAT)

1 Course Credit

HHP 245/PED 245Dance Education

1 Course Credit

HHP 248/PED 248World Dance

1 Course Credit

HHP 249/PED 249Dancing Through Space & Time

1 Course Credit

HHP 305/PED 305Improvisation & Choreography

1 Course Credit

LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (HIS)

1 Course Credit

LAT 215Classical Mythology

1 Course Credit

LAT 223Virgil

1 Course Credit

LAT 321Latin Historians

1 Course Credit

LAT 324Classical Poetry

1 Course Credit

MUS 106World Music

1 Course Credit

MUS 115Intro to Music Literature

1 Course Credit

MUS 216Perceptive Listening to Music

1 Course Credit

MUS 224/APS 224Appalachian Music (APS)

1 Course Credit

MUS 234/AFR 234Afri-Amer Mus:Overview (AFR)

1 Course Credit

REL 110Religion and the Arts

1 Course Credit

SPN 315Intro to Spanish Literature

1 Course Credit

SPN 320Peninsular Literature I

1 Course Credit

SPN 321Peninsular Literature II

1 Course Credit

SPN 330Spanish American Literature I

1 Course Credit

SPN 331Spanish American Literature II

1 Course Credit

SPN 340The Novel

1 Course Credit

TAD 180Graphic Com and Design

1 Course Credit

TAD 202Photography

1 Course Credit

TAD 213/APS 213Appalachian Crafts (APS)

1 Course Credit

THR 222Per St:Telling Stories (COM)

1 Course Credit

THR 331Film Production: Documentary

1 Course Credit

THR 332Film Production: Feature Film

1 Course Credit

Social Science Perspective

ARH 234Intro to Archaeological Method

1 Course Credit

ARH 238History & Analysis of Craft

1 Course Credit

BUS 257Consumer Behavior

1 Course Credit

CFS 207/WGS 207Family Relations (WGS)

1 Course Credit

COM 220Theories of Communication

1 Course Credit

ECO 101Principles of Macroeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 102Principles of Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 301Intermediate Macroeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 302Intermediate Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 360/PSC 360Int'l Political Economy (PSC)

1 Course Credit

ECO 370Environ Issue in Public Policy

1 Course Credit

GST 235Intro to Behavioral Sciences

1 Course Credit

HIS 200Intro to Historical Study

1 Course Credit

PSC 100Intro to Study of Politics

1 Course Credit

PSC 110American Government

1 Course Credit

PSC 360/ECO 360Int'l Political Economy (ECO)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 305Conflict Transformation

1 Course Credit

PSY 100General Psychology

1 Course Credit

SOC 100Sociology of Everyday Life

1 Course Credit

SOC 110Prob of American Institutions

1 Course Credit

SOC 220Cultural Anthropology

1 Course Credit

WGS 207/CFS 207Family Relations (CFS)

1 Course Credit

Western History Perspective

AFR 165/HIS 165Intro to Afr-Amer History(HIS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 314Renaissance and Reformation

1 Course Credit

AFR 356/HIS 356Sem-African-Amer History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

ARH 232Classical Art & Archaeology

1 Course Credit

ARH 242Medieval Art

1 Course Credit

ARH 25520th & 21st Century Art

1 Course Credit

FRN 140Frn Civilization Past/Present

1 Course Credit

GER 140German Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 101Western Civilization I

1 Course Credit

HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (WGS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 130Albion & Eire: British Isles

1 Course Credit

HIS 131Britain & the Emp, 1688 to Pre

1 Course Credit

HIS 140/SPN 140History of Spain (SPN)

1 Course Credit

HIS 161American History to 1865

1 Course Credit

HIS 162American History Since 1865

1 Course Credit

HIS 165/AFR 165Intro to Afr Amer His(AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 202/REL 202Christians & Pagans (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 209Classical Greek Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 210/LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (LAT)

1 Course Credit

HIS 215Christianity to 1600 (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 231The Holocaust

1 to 1.5 Course Credits

HIS 310Seminar in U. S. History

1 Course Credit

HIS 31620th Cent Europe:Div & Recon

1 Course Credit

HIS 335Topic Sem-Modern European His

1 Course Credit

HIS 355Sem in American Rel Hist (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 356/AFR 356Sem: African-Amer History(AFR)

1 Course Credit

LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (HIS)

1 Course Credit

PHI 204/PSC 204Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PSC)

1 Course Credit

PHI 209/PSC 209Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PSC)

1 Course Credit

PHI 305Classical Philosophy

1 Course Credit

PSC 204/PHI 204Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PHI)

1 Course Credit

PSC 209/PHI 209Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PHI)

1 Course Credit

PSY 420His & Systems of Psychology

1 Course Credit

REL 202/HIS 202Christians & Pagans (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 355Sem in American Rel Hist (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 215Christianity to 1600 (HIS)

1 Course Credit

SPN 140/HIS 140History of Spain (HIS)

1 Course Credit

TAD 118History of Technology

1 Course Credit

WGS 102/HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

Religion Perspective

AFR 136/REL 136African Trad Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

ARH 210Topics in Islamic Art & Archit

1 Course Credit

ARH 242Medieval Art

1 Course Credit

AST 132/REL 132Religions of China (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 135/REL 135Religions of Japan (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 260/REL 260Buddhism (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 308/REL 308Themes in Asian Tradition(REL)

1 Course Credit

ENG 205Studies in Cultures

1 Course Credit

HIS 202/REL 202Christians & Pagans (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 215Christianity to 1600 (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 223Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 240/REL 240Islam (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 310Seminar in U. S. History

1 Course Credit

HIS 311Seminar: Medieval History

1 Course Credit

HIS 314Renaissance and Reformation

1 Course Credit

HIS 355Sem in American Rel Hist (REL)

1 Course Credit

LAT 215Classical Mythology

1 Course Credit

PSJ 205Peace/Justice:Theory/Practice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 218/REL 218Voices of Non-violence (REL)

1 Course Credit

REL 100Religion in Global Context

1 Course Credit

REL 109Intro to Christian Thought

1 Course Credit

REL 110Religion and the Arts

1 Course Credit

REL 126Poverty and Justice

1 Course Credit

REL 132/AST 132Religions of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 135/AST 135Religions of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 136/AFR 136African Trad Religion (AFR)

1 Course Credit

REL 202/HIS 202Christians & Pagans (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 211/WGS 211Women in Religion (WGS)

1 Course Credit

REL 212Rel, Rhetoric, & Rationality

1 Course Credit

REL 215Christianity to 1600 (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 218/PSJ 218Voices of Nonviolence

1 Course Credit

REL 225Images of Jesus

1 Course Credit

REL 228The Bible, His., & Archeology

1 Course Credit

REL 235Christian Social Ethics

1 Course Credit

REL 240/HIS 240Islam (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 250Judaism

1 Course Credit

REL 260/AST 260Buddhism (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 309Themes in Abrahamic Traditions

1 Course Credit

REL 312Religious Thought & Ethics

1 Course Credit

REL 308/AST 308Themes in Asian Tradition(AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 320Advanced Biblical Studies

1 Course Credit

REL 355Sem in American Rel Hist (HIS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 211/REL 211Women in Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

WGS 223Theologies of Liberation (REL)

1 Course Credit

African Americans’, Appalachians’, and Women’s Perspective

AFR 132/SOC 132Intro to Race in America (SOC)

1 Course Credit

AFR 135/ENG 135/WGS 135Afr-Amer Women Writer(WGS/ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 141/ENG 141African-American Lit (ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 165/HIS 165Intro to Afr-Amer History(HIS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 202/PSC 202/WGS 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol(WGS/PSC)

1 Course Credit

AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women(ENG/WGS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 222Intro to African-Amer Studies

1 Course Credit

AFR 225/APS 225/PSJ 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(SENS/APS/PSJ/WGS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 230/APS 230African Amer-Appalachia(APS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 234/MUS 234Afr-Amer Mus:Overview(MUS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 356/HIS 356Sem-African-Amer History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

APS 121Appalachian Cultures

1 Course Credit

APS 113Appalachian Weaving

1 Course Credit

APS 140/ENG 140Appalachian Literature (ENG)

1 Course Credit

APS 209/CFS 209Appalachian Foodways (CFS)

1 Course Credit

APS 210/HLT 210Health in Appalachia (HLT)

1 Course Credit

APS 213/TAD 213Appalachian Crafts (TEC)

1 Course Credit

APS 215/SENS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (SENS)

1 Course Credit

APS 220/WGS 220Gender in Appalachia (WGS)

1 Course Credit

APS 224/MUS 224Appalachian Music (MUS)

1 Course Credit

APS 225/AFR 225/PSJ 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(AFR/PSJ/SENS/WGS)

1 Course Credit

APS 229Contemporary Issues-Appalachia

1 Course Credit

APS 230African Americans-Appal (AFR)

1 Course Credit

APS 253/HIS 253Appalachian America (HIS)

1 Course Credit

APS 330/SOC 330Comm Analysis:Appal Case(SOC)

1 Course Credit

CFS 207/WGS 207Family Relations (WGS)

1 Course Credit

CFS 209/APS 209Appalachian Foodways (APS)

1 Course Credit

CFS 366/WGS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam (WGS)

1 Course Credit

COM 310/WGS 310Communication and Gender (WGS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 135/AFR 135/WGS 135Afr-Amer Women Writer(AFR/WGS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 140/APS 140Appalachian Literature (APS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 141/AFR 141African-American Lit (AFR)

1 Course Credit

ENG 212/AFR 212/WGS 212Lit-Caribbean Women(AFR/WGS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 237Women And Literature (WGS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (WGS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 165/AFR 165Intro to Afr Amer His(AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 253/APS 253Appalachian America (APS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 356/AFR 356Sem: African-Amer History(AFR)

1 Course Credit

HLT 210/APS 210Health in Appalachia (APS)

1 Course Credit

HLT 236/WGS 236Women and Health (WGS)

1 Course Credit

MUS 224/APS 224Appalachian Music (APS)

1 Course Credit

MUS 234/AFR 234Afri-Amer Mus:Overview (AFR)

1 Course Credit

PSC 202/AFR 202/WGS 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol(WGS/AFR)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 210Diversity and Social Justice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 225/AFR 225/APS 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(AFR/APS/SENS/WGS)

1 Course Credit

REL 211/WGS 211Women in Religion (WGS)

1 Course Credit

SENS 215/APS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (APS)

1 Course Credit

SENS 225Envr Justice(AFR/WGS/PSJ/APS)

1 Course Credit

SOC 132/AFR 132Intro to Race in America (AFR)

1 Course Credit

SOC 330/APS 330Comm Analysis:Appal Case(APS)

1 Course Credit

TAD 213/APS 213Appalachian Crafts (APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 102/HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 124Intro to Women's & Gender Stds

1 Course Credit

WGS 127Riding the Waves of Feminism

1 Course Credit

WGS 135Afr-Amer Women Writer(AFR/ENG)

1 Course Credit

WGS 202/AFR 202/PSC 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol (AFR/PSC)

1 Course Credit

WGS 207/CFS 207Family Relations (CFS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 211/REL 211Women in Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

WGS 212/AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women (ENG/AFR)

1 Course Credit

WGS 220/APS 220Gender in Appalachia (APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 225Envr Justice(AFR/SENS/PSJ/APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 236/HLT 236Women & Health (HLT)

1 Course Credit

WGS 237Women and Literature (ENG)

1 Course Credit

WGS 315Classic Texts in Women's & Gen

1 Course Credit

WGS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam(CFS)

1 Course Credit

International Perspective (Two Options)

The International Perspective is met by taking EITHER

  1. Foreign Language Option —two courses in the same foreign language, one of which may be waived by a placement examination (at least one language course must be taken after entering Berea College unless transfer credit has been awarded for a foreign language through the second level) OR
  2. World Culture Option —two approved World Culture courses, at least one of which must be approved as Non-Western. Here is a list of courses that have been approved to meet the World Culture component of this perspective, first Non-Western, then Western:

International Perspective (Non-Western)

AFR 136/REL 136African Trad Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

AFR 141/ENG 141African-American Lit (ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women(ENG/WGS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 260/HIS 260Survey of African His (HIS)

1 Course Credit

ARH 220Topics in Indian Art H (AST)

1 Course Credit

ARH 239Native Nrth Amer Art&Archaelog

1 Course Credit

AST 122/HIS 122History of China (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 123/HIS 123History of Japan (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 132/REL 132Religions of China (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 135/REL 135Religions of Japan (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 220Topics in Indian Art H (ARH)

1 Course Credit

AST 260/REL 260Buddhism (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 308/REL 308Themes in Asian Tradition(REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 322/HIS 322Sem in Chinese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 323/HIS 323Sem in Japanese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 141/AFR 141African-American Lit (AFR)

1 Course Credit

ENG 212/AFR 212/WGS 212Lit-Caribbean Women(AFR/WGS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 242Intro to Non-Western Lit

1 Course Credit

HHP 248/PED 248World Dance

1 Course Credit

HIS 122/AST 122History of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 123/AST 123History of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 175/PSC 175His & Pol of Arab-Isr (PSC)

1 Course Credit

HIS 223Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 240/REL 240Islam (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 260/AFR 260Survey of African His (AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 270Recent History of Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 322/AST 322Sem in Chinese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 323/AST 323Sem in Japanese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

MUS 106World Music

1 Course Credit

PSC 175/HIS 175His & Pol of Arab-Isr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

PSC 352Politics of Developing Nations

1 Course Credit

REL 100Religion in Global Context

1 Course Credit

REL 132/AST 132Religions of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 135/AST 135Religions of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 136/AFR 136African Trad Religion (AFR)

1 Course Credit

REL 240/HIS 240Islam (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 260/AST 260Buddhism (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 308/AST 308Themes in Asian Tradition(AST)

1 Course Credit

WGS 212/AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women (ENG/AFR)

1 Course Credit

Approved for International Perspective (Western)

ARH 230Topics in Latin American Art

1 Course Credit

AST 229/HIS 229Modern Imperialism (HIS)

1 Course Credit

CFS 225Food, Culture and Society

1 Course Credit

CFS 366/WGS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam (WGS)

1 Course Credit

ECO 341Economic Dev:Theory & Appl

1 Course Credit

ENG 103ESL and American Culture

1 Course Credit

GER 140German Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 131Britain & the Emp, 1688 to Pre

1 Course Credit

HIS 140/SPN 140History of Spain (SPN)

1 Course Credit

HIS 22420th Century World History

1 Course Credit

HIS 229/AST 229Modern Imperialism (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 311Seminar: Medieval History

1 Course Credit

LAT 117Classical Etymology

1 Course Credit

PHI 207/PSC 207Human Rights, Intl Law (PSC)

1 Course Credit

PSC 207/PHI 207Human Rights, Intl Law (PHI)

1 Course Credit

SOC 341Soc of Dev & Social Change

1 Course Credit

SPN 140/HIS 140History of Spain (HIS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam(CFS)

1 Course Credit