African Americans', Appalachians', and Women's Perspective

AFR 202/PSC 202/WGS 202 Women & Afr Amer-Pol(WGS/PSC) 1 Course Credit
AFR 222 Intro to African-Amer Studies 1 Course Credit
AFR 230/APS 230 African Amer-Appalachia(APS) 1 Course Credit
APS 121 Appalachian Cultures 1 Course Credit
APS 113 Appalachian Weaving 1 Course Credit
APS 140/ENG 140 Appalachian Literature (ENG) 1 Course Credit
APS 229 Contemporary Issues-Appalachia 1 Course Credit
CFS 207/WGS 207 Family Relations (WGS) 1 Course Credit
CFS 209/APS 209 Appalachian Foodways (APS) 1 Course Credit
CFS 366/WGS 366 Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam (WGS) 1 Course Credit
COM 310/WGS 310 Communication and Gender (WGS) 1 Course Credit
ENG 135/AFR 135/WGS 135 Afr-Amer Women Writer(AFR/WGS) 1 Course Credit
ENG 141/AFR 141 African-American Lit (AFR) 1 Course Credit
ENG 212/AFR 212/WGS 212 Lit-Caribbean Women(AFR/WGS) 1 Course Credit
ENG 237/WGS 237
Women And Literature (WGS) 1 Course Credit
HIS 102/WGS 102
West Civ II:Std in Gendr (WGS) 1 Course Credit
HIS 165/AFR 165 Intro to Afr Amer His(AFR) 1 Course Credit
HIS 253/APS 253 Appalachian America (APS) 1 Course Credit
HIS 356/AFR 356 Sem: African-Amer History(AFR) 1 Course Credit
HLT 210/APS 210 Health in Appalachia (APS) 1 Course Credit
HLT 236/WGS 236 Women and Health (WGS) 1 Course Credit
MUS 224/APS 224 Appalachian Music (APS) 1 Course Credit
MUS 234/AFR 234 Afri-Amer Mus:Overview (AFR) 1 Course Credit
PSJ 210 Diversity and Social Justice 1 Course Credit
REL 211/WGS 211 Women in Religion (WGS) 1 Course Credit
SENS 215/APS 215 Sustainable Appal Comm (APS) 1 Course Credit
SENS 225/AFR 225/APS 225/PSJ 225/WGS 225 Envr Justice(AFR/WGS/PSJ/APS) 1 Course Credit
SOC 132/AFR 132 Intro to Race in America (AFR) 1 Course Credit
SOC 330/APS 330 Comm Analysis:Appal Case(APS) 1 Course Credit
TAD 213/APS 213 Appalachian Crafts (APS) 1 Course Credit
WGS 124 Intro to Women's & Gender Stds 1 Course Credit
WGS 127 Riding the Waves of Feminism 1 Course Credit
WGS 220/APS 220 Gender in Appalachia (APS) 1 Course Credit
WGS 315 Classic Texts in Women's & Gen 1 Course Credit