HSM 400 Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences

This course is an exploration of the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of social research and how it can be used to glean insights from research literature and to determine the effectiveness of human services interventions and programs. Students examine appropriate research design, data-gathering techniques, the analysis of data, and the ethical issues embedded in the execution, interpretation, and application of research. Students develop the skills to be critical and discerning consumers of program evaluation and the published research used to inform the practice of human services. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 101, HSM 102, HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305 and HSM 306; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 410 Management and Leadership in Human Services

This course is an exploration of management and leadership in human services organizations. Students examine organizations’ relationships between and among each other, the public and private sectors, communities of place and interest, and other stakeholders. Students review various frameworks for governance, accountability, effectiveness, and performance. This course also provides students with an overview of the business functions, such as marketing, human resources, and financial management that are embedded in the leadership and administration of organizations that provide human services. Students identify strategies for mobilizing resources to support the needs of the populations they serve and to enact positive social change. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305 and HSM 306; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 415 Strategies of Community Intervention

This course explores the role of various forms of community capital (e.g. environmental, social, political, financial, and cultural) and how it impacts the growth, development, and quality of life in various communities. Students discuss models for community development that can be used to create interventions that address the needs of communities and to generate positive social change. This course also examines the dynamics, power, and influence of interest groups, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders as related to community development and sustainability. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305 and HSM 306; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 427 Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Aging

This course is an examination of the legal and ethical issues that impact the aging population. Students explore the legal rights of aging people in the context of health care and long-term care, financial planning, housing, end-of-life preparation, and other life circumstances. In addition, students discuss the controversies around supporting the needs of the aging population and the ethical dilemmas encountered by the professionals who deliver services to them. Pre-requisite(s): Junior standing (completion of 90 or more quarter credit hours); or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 428 Serving the Aging Population

This course explores the physiological, psychological, and social aspects of aging within the context of the individual’s life events and cultural experiences. Students examine the dynamics between aging people and their communities of place and interest, such as one’s work environment, place of worship, and neighborhood. Furthermore, students discuss how individuals can more empathically and effectively engage in personal and professional relationships with the aging population. Pre-requisite(s): Junior standing (completion of 90 or more quarter credit hours); or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 429 Societal Systems of Aging

This course provides an overview of the major societal and institutional factors that influence the aging population’s quality of life. Students examine the micro and macro theories on aging that inform the way services are developed and delivered to the population. Additionally, students explore the collective or dominant values, beliefs, and attitudes about aging individuals that inherently influences the social systems and institutions that interface with aging members of our society. Pre-requisite(s): Junior standing (completion of 90 or more quarter credit hours); or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 430 Professional Communication in Human Services

This course introduces students to the techniques of effective communication in human services. Students explore oral and written communication skills to make connections with others and provide a means of accomplishing organizational goals. Students discuss strategies for improving communication and resolving conflicts, facilitating both internal and external communication to enhance information exchange. Students also explore the key aspects of persuading others and advocating with elected or appointed officials, donors or potential donors, and community members. This is an advanced standing course that may count toward both baccalaureate and master’s degrees. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305, HSM 306; completion of 90+QH; and CGPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 481 Human Services Practicum I

This course is the first in either a two-part or four-part sequence in the Human Services Professional Studies Sequence. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of on-site experience in a human services agency, totaling a minimum of 150 clock hours for the quarter. In addition, there is a weekly class at the university taught by a university professor. Students work closely with and receive supervision from both the agency and university personnel. For the university classroom component, the issues and dynamics of the professional relationship within the content of the practicum experience are explored. Such topics may include the ethics of helping; organizational structure; service delivery systems; client assessment; treatment planning with individual, group, agency, and family client units. Instruction will focus on the commonalities across client populations in human service work as well as each student's unique field placement learning experience. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 201 and acceptance into Professional Studies Sequence. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours


HSM 482 Human Services Practicum II

This course is the second in either a two-part or four-part sequence in the Human Services Professional Studies Sequence. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of on-site experience in a human services agency, totaling a minimum of 150 clock hours for the quarter. In addition, there is a weekly class at the university taught by a university professor. Students work closely with and receive supervision from both the agency and university personnel. For the university classroom component, the issues and dynamics of the professional relationship within the content of the practicum experience are explored. Such topics may include the ethics of helping; organizational structure; service delivery systems; client assessment; treatment planning with individual, group, agency, and family client units. Instruction will focus on the commonalities across client populations in human service work as well as each student's unique field placement learning experience. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 201 and acceptance into Professional Studies Sequence. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 483 Human Services Practicum III

This course is the third in a four-part sequence in the Human Services Professional Studies Sequence. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of on-site experience in a human services agency, totaling a minimum of 150 clock hours for the quarter. In addition, there is a weekly class at the university taught by a university professor. Students work closely with and receive supervision from both the agency and university personnel. For the university classroom component, the issues and dynamics of the professional relationship within the content of the practicum experience are explored. Such topics may include the ethics of helping; organizational structure; service delivery systems; client assessment; treatment planning with individual, group, agency, and family client units. Instruction will focus on the commonalities across client populations in human service work as well as each student's unique field placement learning experience. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 201 and acceptance into Professional Studies Sequence. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 484 Human Services Practicum IV

This course is the fourth in a four-part sequence in the Human Services Professional Studies Sequence. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of on-site experience in a human services agency, totaling a minimum of 150 clock hours for the quarter. In addition, there is a weekly class at the university taught by a university professor. Students work closely with and receive supervision from both the agency and university personnel. For the university classroom component, the issues and dynamics of the professional relationship within the content of the practicum experience are explored. Such topics may include the ethics of helping; organizational structure; service delivery systems; client assessment; treatment planning with individual, group, agency, and family client units. Instruction will focus on the commonalities across client populations in human service work as well as each student's unique field placement learning experience. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 201 and acceptance into Professional Studies Sequence. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 493 Human Services Fieldwork III

This capstone course provides each student with an applied human services experience in a professional environment. Students synthesize the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in their previous courses and within the context of their field placements, demonstrate the capacity to handle increasingly more responsibility and autonomy. Students use their field placements as catalysts for exploring their career interests, enhancing their professional competencies, and developing their identities as human services professionals. Students complete a minimum of 120 hours of internship and fieldwork experiences. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 292, HSM 400, HSM 410, and HSM 415; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSM 499 Seminar in Human Services/Psychology

This capstone course provides students with an opportunity to integrate major theories, concepts, and practices in the disciplines of human services and psychology through a structured, faculty-led experience. Students explore the applications of psychology in the field of human services; engage in a comprehensive review of major topics covered in the program; and identify career and further education opportunities in human services and psychology. Students also complete a capstone project, which may include content such as case studies, projects, and/or assessments that demonstrate achievement of all learning outcomes established by the program. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 101, HSM 102, HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305, HSM 306, HSM 400, HSM 410, HSM 415 and at least four of five required LAP courses; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours