HSM 484 Human Services Practicum IV

This course is the fourth in a four-part sequence in the Human Services Professional Studies Sequence. This course requires a minimum of 15 hours per week of on-site experience in a human services agency, totaling a minimum of 150 clock hours for the quarter. In addition, there is a weekly class at the university taught by a university professor. Students work closely with and receive supervision from both the agency and university personnel. For the university classroom component, the issues and dynamics of the professional relationship within the content of the practicum experience are explored. Such topics may include the ethics of helping; organizational structure; service delivery systems; client assessment; treatment planning with individual, group, agency, and family client units. Instruction will focus on the commonalities across client populations in human service work as well as each student's unique field placement learning experience. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 201 and acceptance into Professional Studies Sequence. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
