KCC 101 Seeking Selfie: Exploring Identity

Who are you and what made you the person you are today? In this course, the first course of The Citizen cluster, you will explore who you are and how you came to be that person. We will also seek to name the communities, from local to global, which comprise us. We will examine culture and communities as components of personal identity, such as age, race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation, and how these components of identity evolve over time. How changeable are your identities, and to what extent are identities constructed by parental and peer influences and nature?


KCC 102 Mindset Matters: Your Brain and You

This course, the second course in The Citizen cluster, uses unique problem-solving scenarios to launch a scientific analysis of your individual thought processes. From there, we will introduce the psychology and physiology of growth and fixed mindsets. Across several case studies, we will practice identifying and analyzing approaches to problem solving that other accomplished individuals have employed throughout their careers. Students will then turn inward to study and reflect upon instances from their own lives when they landed upon different spots on the mind-set spectrum. Finally, we will create a personal plan to apply growth mind-set as a citizen. Prerequisite: KCC 101 or concurrent enrollment with KCC 101


KCC 103 Making a Difference in a Difficult World

What is important to you and how does it motivate you? During this course, the third and final course of The Citizen cluster, you will articulate what is important to you and why, as a way to better understand what motivates your behaviors and actions. We will examine contemporary social issues, how they evolve, and their impact on you and the world. Lastly, you will take the first steps towards influencing and promoting change within various communities. Prerequisites: KCC 101 and KCC 102, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 102



How close is what you do to who you are? In this course, the first course in The Professional cluster, we will examine who you are at work—the kinds of work you do and the kinds of work you want to do. We will ask you to think about the choices you might be faced with in your career — choices having to do with your career, but also choices about your life outside of your career. Lastly, we will put work in time, investigating how work has changed but also forecasting how it might change (for example, robots or artificial intelligence), all of which will position you for your future career. Prerequisites: KCC 102 and KCC 103, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 103


KCC 105 Billfold to Boardroom: Financial Professional

The foundation of this course, the second course of The Professional cluster, will provide you an overview of consumer and financial problem solving. The course will challenge you to investigate financial decision making within a business or other organization and how those professional decisions have consequences across various communities. Throughout the course, we will tackle real-world financial issues like corporate responsibility, the time-value of money, probability and risk assessment, and predictive analysis. Prerequisites: KCC 103 and KCC 104, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 104


KCC 106 Risky Business: Balancing Identity and Tension

In this course, the 3rd and final course of The Professional cluster, students will examine professional identity of both workers and corporations. Have you ever wondered about the reasons for the 40-hour work week in the United States, the gender pay gap, the divide between the corporate haves and the have-nots, sweatshops, or labor unions? We will discuss both current and historic struggles of laborers to receive recognition and rights worldwide. We will also discuss ways contemporary, global businesses have fostered and maintained their corporate identity and how this has impacted their bottom line and society. Of course, tensions result in the wake of the relationships between workers and the businesses that employ them and the relationships between businesses and consumers. Throughout, we'll examine those tensions and the ethical implications in the ways they have been (or are being) resolved. Prerequisites: KCC 104 and KCC 105, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 105