KCC 106 Risky Business: Balancing Identity and Tension

In this course, the 3rd and final course of The Professional cluster, students will examine professional identity of both workers and corporations. Have you ever wondered about the reasons for the 40-hour work week in the United States, the gender pay gap, the divide between the corporate haves and the have-nots, sweatshops, or labor unions? We will discuss both current and historic struggles of laborers to receive recognition and rights worldwide. We will also discuss ways contemporary, global businesses have fostered and maintained their corporate identity and how this has impacted their bottom line and society. Of course, tensions result in the wake of the relationships between workers and the businesses that employ them and the relationships between businesses and consumers. Throughout, we'll examine those tensions and the ethical implications in the ways they have been (or are being) resolved. Prerequisites: KCC 104 and KCC 105, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 105
