Changes to Academic Programs and Other University Operations

Events or circumstances outside the University’s control may require the University to make changes in its housing, classes, labs, clinical rotations, or other aspects of its education programs. Examples of such events or circumstances, sometimes referred to as a “force majeure,” include fires, earthquakes, floods, windstorms, or other severe weather or "acts of God;" war, riots, or civil unrest; governmental orders, directives, or recommendations related to health or safety; or any similar situation beyond the University’s control.

If such events occur, the University may be required to relocate its programs, shift classes to an online format, or, in an extreme case, discontinue part of its education program. If a student is required to isolate or quarantine, the student may be required to move to online instruction (if available) even if the class continues with in-seat instruction.

The University charges the same tuition and fee rate structure for face-to-face and online classes. If a class moves to an online format, in most cases students will be required to continue the class online or make a timely withdrawal if that is possible under the University’s normal withdrawal policies.

Some courses cannot be conducted in a wholly online format. For example, most labs and clinical rotations cannot be completed online. Such classes are subject to cancellation by the University if necessary; cancellation by a hospital or other clinical or laboratory affiliate; or to extended time frames if courses must be continued or Incompletes awarded until instruction can resume. The University cannot guarantee that students will complete coursework or graduate on any particular schedule.

If a class can neither continue in-seat nor be moved online, students will be allowed to withdraw from the course without any academic penalty and receive a full refund. Otherwise, all withdrawals and refunds will be handled according to the University’s normal policies included in the Catalog.

Students will be notified of any changes primarily through UMHB student email and the university’s website.

Students enrolling in the university agree to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with UMHB’s identity as a Christian educational institution that identifies with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, both on and off campus.

The application for admissions is the student’s affirmation that he/she will comply with all university policies and procedures. The Student is responsible for knowing and following procedures and regulations contained in the university’s catalog, the Student Handbook and other university publications.