LAS 405 Social Problems

Through a multidisciplinary approach using concepts drawn from sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, psychology, and history, students will explore the dimensions and interconnectedness of social problems primarily in the United States. Ways to remedy these problems will be addressed. Prerequisite: Recommended introductory Social Science course. 5 quarter hours Counts in the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements.


LAS 408 Media and Society

This course examines important social, cultural, economic, and political forces that contribute to the purposes and uses of media. Some topics in this course include: critical media literacy, media consumption, and engagement with technology, and how individuals and institutions shape and are shaped by media. Students consider how media practices have historically and contemporarily perpetuated stereotypes of social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Additionally, students use theory to enrich their experiences and understanding of film, radio, TV, digital formats, and social media and networks. Counts in the Social Sciences Area of General Education Requirements Pre-requisite(s): LAS 105, or LAS 110; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAS 432 Gender in the Public Sector

This course recognizes that gender must be addressed in public policy to achieve equality. Readings focus on how constructions of gender inform and are informed by civil society, political discourse, and economic and political structures. The course considers a range of theories and case studies, including: health care, child care, minimum wage, affordable housing, gender gaps in education, property rights, international migration, reproductive labor, and reproductive social justice. Pre-requisite(s): LAS 105, or LAS 110; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 semester hours


LAS 438 Foundations of Public Administration

This course introduces students to the key theories, concepts and practices in the field of public administration. Students will learn about the history, traditions and controversies in the field; explore how politics and policy may interact effectively and examine the changing nature of public policy and administration in the U.S. Major topics include organizational theory and behavior, the role of bureaucracy in the political process, human resource management, and issues of discretion and accountability. Students will also explore their personal and professional commitment to public service. Pre-requisite(s): LAS 105, or LAS 110, or LAS 118; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAS 464 Urban Community Development

This course provides an overview of community planning and urban development. The course focuses on the historical and contemporary relationships between urban social patterns, federal policies, and neighborhood initiatives. Students examine factors that contribute to disparities in communities and the challenges of managing, planning, and implementing policy across diverse groups. Students analyze and evaluate how metropolitan development, proposed and implemented projects, and socio-political dimensions of community programs affect planning and development. Students also examine initiatives in the Chicago metropolitan area and propose a planning initiative on a topic of the student’s choosing. Pre-requisite(s): LAS 453, permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAS 420 Social Theory

This course examines the origins of social theory and its contributions to understanding social structures, processes, and contradictions in modern capitalist societies. Students learn to distinguish among the main theories in the classical, modern, and contemporary periods and to describe the major frameworks and concepts used by theorists to explain patterns in society. Students synthesize and evaluate the major sociological theories that help explain racial, economic, and gender inequality. Pre-requisite(s): LAS 105; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAS 427 Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Aging

This course will focus on legal issues, ethics and end of life issues, elder abuse and professional standards. The course topics will include important discussions for individuals interested in working in professions working with older adults. Prerequisite(s): none This course counts in the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements. 5 quarter hours


LAS 428 Serving the Aging Population

This course will focus on understanding the aging process, myths about aging, multicultural issues, client rights, interpersonal communication skills, and accessing community resources. Prerequisite(s): One social science course or department permission. Counts in the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements. 5 quarter hours


LAS 429 Societal Systems of Aging

This course will provide students with ways in which to aid their clients in negotiating the long term care system, insurance issues, family systems, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Systems designed to serve aging adults will be considered from perspectives of the individual, organization, funding sources, and policy makers. Prerequisite(s): One social science course or department permission. Counts in the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements. 5 quarter hours


LAS 450 Political Theory

Political theory is concerned with fundamental questions of public life such as, What is justice? Is there an ideal form of government? Can we conceive of, and constitute, the best political order? The answers to many of the most important political questions still remain essentially contested today. Major topics in this course include justice, freedom, equality, political ideology, liberalism, socialism, libertarianism, and conservatism. 5 Quarter Hours. Counts in the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements.


LAS 453 Social Inequality

This course explores how ideas of difference with regard to race/ethnicity, social class, sex and gender, and sexuality are experienced and constructed into systems of inequality. The course investigates how these systems of inequality are intertwined with power and opportunity as well as how these categories are constructed. Students examine how various social institutions contribute to the creation and maintenance of these systems of inequality. Students also explore how these systems are embedded in ideology, law, media, and culture. Counts in the Social Sciences Area of General Education Requirements. Pre-requisite(s): LAS 105, or LAS 110, and LAS 118; or permission of Program Chair. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAS 457 Social Issues and Public Policy Administration

This course examines the decision-making process within the government's administrative agencies. It discusses competing goals that agencies face and their effects on policy. The primary goal is to introduce theories and practical mechanisms that will allow the student of public policy to be successful in understanding the challenges that the executive branch of government faces in administering programs. Counts in the Social Sciences Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and minimum of two Social Science courses or consent of department. 5 quarter hours


LAS 458 Public and Social Policy in the Legislative Process

This course focuses on the theory and practice of public policy in the United States. Topics emphasized include how different levels of government formulate, implement, and evaluate public policies. Issues such as interest groups, education, business, the economy, human services, health care, the environment, urban growth and development, and the arts will be addressed. Counts in the Social Sciences Area General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and minimum of two Social Science courses or consent of department. 5 quarter hours


LAS 495 Social Science Special Topic

This course is a social science offering of special interest to be studied in depth. The course will cover any topic or topics in the field of social science which are not taught within the regular course offerings. The course may be registered for more than once, since topics vary each term. The combined total quarter hours of LAS495 topics taken cannot exceed 20 quarter hours unless permission is given by the department. Specific topics may count in different areas of social science. Depending on content, this course may count towards the Social Science Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

LAS 499 Social Science Seminar

Varying in content each term. Open to qualified students in a social science concentration and to other students upon consent of department. Prerequisite: advanced standing 3-5 quarter hours

3 TO 5