LAE 500 Advanced Expository Writing

A wide-ranging course to develop techniques which increase clarity, interest, cogency, and coherence. Exercises in and out of class lead students to grace and style, sometimes through techniques of style analysis and modeling. Writer flexibility is encouraged by creating a diversity of tasks and imaginary audiences. Basic plagiarism and copyright guidelines are reviewed. 3 semester hours


LAE 501 Writing from Reading: Incorporating Research into Nonfiction Articles, Books and Reports

Reader interest, organization and clarity are the primary concerns, as students write nonfiction material relying upon previously published information. Feature material, in-depth articles and books, as well as reports, reviews, summaries, and research projects based on background reading are the major focus. Students learn correct methods of documentation and the laws that apply. Students become familiar with what many staff (and freelance) writers do for a living. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite(s): Graduate status or permission of instructor 3 semester hours


LAE 502 Creative Writing: Fiction

Students read outstanding examples of short stories and novels and discover potential models for their own writing. They write several short stories or novel scenes/chapters, concentrating on character, structure, active language, conflict, and other dynamic elements of the form. Students interact with their peers and faculty to discover possibilities for revising one of their original stories or novel scenes/chapters and submit that revised piece as their final project. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 504 Creative Writing: Children's Books

A course taught by published writers of children's literature. Course improves basic techniques in fiction and poetry (see descriptions for other creative writing courses) but focuses on specifications for various younger age groups. Students learn publisher guidelines for each age level as well as what kinds of pieces publishers prefer. Formats and conventions are examined. Problems in maintaining racial, ethnic, and religious fairness are examined. Available markets are surveyed. Students read and react to each other's work. 3 semester hours


LAE 505 Introduction to Writing Poetry

How do you go from inspiration to actually writing a poem? Students focus on basic techniques in the craft of writing poetry, while learning to appreciate the art of reading poetry. This course introduces students to the main elements of poetry through textual descriptions and analysis of strong models. Students then practice the application of poetic elements in their own work and in evaluating the poems created by their classmates. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing for graduate credit. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 510 Rhetorical Theory: History and Practice

A course which examines the age-old question of "What works?" from an historical perspective. Students are introduced to classical and modern theories of rhetorical effectiveness and literary analysis. Course also offers an overview of accepted and experimental methods to improve writing skills. Weekly exercises apply various theories and methods. Students become familiar with the vocabulary of rhetoric, old and recent. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 512A Professional Writer I

A course dealing with the practical side of professional writing: career opportunities for the staff writer and publishing opportunities for the free-lancer. Students learn manuscript forms, survey available markets, discuss where professional writers get their "ideas" from, etc. Course also covers pay scales for writers, copyright laws, liability laws, and income tax tips. This course is usually offered in modules of one semester hour each in fall, winter, and spring. LAE 512A, LAE 512B, and LAE 512C. 1 semester hour


LAE 512B Professional Writer II

Professional Writer I-III courses focus on the practical side of professional writing: career opportunities for staff writers and publishing opportunities for the freelancer. In Professional Writer II, students learn how to charge for their work, utilize social media, launch their own author website, improve their presentation skills, get the most out of their blog, optimize their online presence, and submit their work for publishing. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate status; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LAE 512C Professional Writer III

A course dealing with the practical side of professional writing: career opportunities for the staff writer and publishing opportunities for the free-lancer. Students learn manuscript forms, survey available markets, discuss where professional writers get their "ideas" from, etc. Course also covers pay scales for writers, copyright laws, liability laws, and income tax tips. This course is usually offered in modules of one semester hour each in fall, winter, and spring. LAE 512A, LAE 512B, and LAE 512C. 1 semester hour


LAE 513 Reading and Writing the Short Story

Students read outstanding examples of short stories and discover potential models for their own writing. They write several short stories, concentrating on character, structure, active language, conflict, and other dynamic elements of the form. Students interact with their peers and professor to discover possibilities for revising one of their original stories and submit that revised short story as their final project. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 514 Writing and Reading Oral History

Oral history constitutes the accounts of personal and public events as told orally, typically by ordinary people. Students learn how to interview ordinary people, how to assemble the history of major events as seen through the eyes of ordinary people and how to analyze literature based on oral histories. Students are guided in using oral history as a basis for their own nonfiction writing. Works by Studs Terkel, Alex Kotlowitz, James McBride, Anna Deavere Smith, and Svetlana Alexeivich are among those used. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing for graduate credit. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 515 Feature Writing

A course which examines the design of feature stories for newspapers and magazines and the style-range possibilities. Interviewing skills are a primary focus. Assignments include news-features, profiles, and personal experience essays, among others. Students learn the standard organizational format for magazine features ("the magazine formula") and alternatives. Students are introduced to the idea processes which generate concepts for stories. 3 semester hours


LAE 516 Screenwriting

What makes a movie work? In this course students write an original short screenplay and study award-winning narrative films to find out. They practice the craft of dramatic writing, using the special techniques and format of writing the narrative film, with emphasis on dramatic structure, character development, creating visual metaphors, and orchestrating these elements around a coherent dramatic premise or question. During this process they screen films that have won Academy Awards and become aware of films by women and diverse groups including African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and others that are gradually becoming recognized or that deserve recognition. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate status. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 517 Technical Writing

A flexible course designed to meet the career goals of students in the Written Communication program. The course teaches strategies for writing complex, specialized or industry-specific information in a clear and effective manner. Students learn how to analyze and adjust levels of prose complexity, how formatting can enhance communication and how to address readers of differing levels of expertise and interest. Some assignments allow students to use actual projects from their own workplaces. 3 semester hours


LAE 518 Narrative Forms

An examination of the ways in which writers tell stories, both fictional and otherwise. Attention will be paid to the various types of first- and third-person narrative techniques, the use of chronology and alternate time schemes, the cross-cut and the subplot. Primarily a reading course for students in the M.S. in Written Communications program. 3 semester hours


LAE 520 Teaching Freshman English Composition

An examination of the ways in which writers tell stories, to the strategies needed to teach general studies freshman/lower division (non-developmental) writing courses. It concludes a survey of relevant literature concerning instructional issues and applications in the classroom (i.e., process approaches, peer/collaborative activities, writing across disciplines, teaching writing with computers, writing assessment). Emphasis is given also to utilizing the writer/graduate student's writing practices and experience. Students will develop appropriate instructional materials. 3 semester hours


LAE 550 Fundamentals of Journalism

This writing course focuses on the basic elements of journalism, including researching, interviewing, covering live events, and writing with accuracy and clarity. Writing appropriate for newspapers, magazines, and online publications is covered, with an emphasis on replicating deadline-driven journalism environment and completion of several publication-ready articles. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing for graduate credit. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAE 586B Writers’ Week Workshops

Writers’ Week Workshops constitute a course of sessions with outstanding writers in a variety of writing areas, including creative nonfiction, biography, playwriting, screenwriting and writing children and young adult books. Each writer discusses his/her methods of developing a significant work. Students submit brief samples of their work in the relevant writing area for discussion and revision. They select one of those revised samples for expansion into a final paper. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LAE 592 Practicum/Internship in Teaching English Courses to Undergraduates

This course provides a closely supervised actual teaching experience with instruction and mentoring for the graduate student. Students will teach an English Department, first or second term freshman composition course or other lower division composition or literature course (as available) or give instruction in an appropriate tutorial setting. 3 semester hours


LAE 594 Independent Study/English

An opportunity for students in the Masters program to pursue an area of writing and/or research independently. Students are assigned to a faculty member for guidance and coaching. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAE 595 Special Topics/English

Opportunity for students and faculty to create a course topic not on the regular schedule. Students may register for more than one Special Topic in the course of their degree program. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAE 599 Thesis Project

The final showcase piece in the student's portfolio. It is tailored to fit the student's individual program. Examples of thesis projects might be: a collection of short stories, a short novel, a series of poems, a lengthy report for publication or for use in an organization, a series of articles, one long or several short children's books, a series of periodical journals which the student has edited and managed for an organization, etc. The length and difficulty of the project will determine the credit hours to be awarded (3, 4, 5 or 6). Work may be based on previous course work but must show extensive rewriting and augmentation. Student is assigned to a faculty member for coaching and evaluation. 1-6 semester hours

1 TO 6

LAE 599X Thesis Continuation

Continuous registration required until thesis is complete. Prerequisite(s): Masters standing, consent of instructor, and prior registration for the required number of hours in LAE 599. 0 semester hours