LAP 401 Psychology of Learning

This course provides a survey of theories of learning including behaviorist and cognitive-developmental approaches with applications of each. Processes of learning, problem- solving, memory, motivation, and discipline are examined. Traditional and innovative approaches to learning are explored. Students participate in planned learning demonstrations. (Cognitive Psychology). Counts in the Behavioral Science Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite: One previous psychology course 5 quarter hours


LAP 402 Research Methods

In this course, students are introduced to the design of psychological research and its application in various areas of psychology. Students will examine the scientific method, including the importance of strong literature reviews. They will explore the formulation of research questions/hypotheses and research designs (e.g., observational, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental). The presentation of research findings in written form and research ethics are also included among course topics. Pre-requisite(s): One previous psychology course. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


LAP 403 History and Systems of Psychology

This course will examine the progression of ideas that led to the beginnings of psychology from its roots in philosophy and physiology. These foundations from Ancient Greece through the Renaissance to the 1800s, which formed the basis for modern psychology, will be examined. These topics will be followed by contemporary models including behaviorism, Gestalt, cognitive theories, humanistic and psychodynamic theories, as well as biological psychology, including genetics. Counts in the Behavioral Sciences Area of General Education requirements. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. 5 quarter hours OR 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

LAP 408 Introduction to Community Psychology

This course introduces students to the field of Community Psychology including a historical overview, values, research, social-ecological theory, social competence, prevention, intervention, ethics, diversity and empowerment. (Community/Organizational Psychology). Prerequisite(s): One previous psychology course. 5 quarter hours


LAP 425 Mental Health

This course is designed to engage students in the study of mental health, adjustment and ways of coping with life tasks. Experiences are designed to enhance self-understanding and growth, as well as interactions with others. (Community Psychology) Prerequisite(s): One previous psychology course or consent of advisor. 5 quarter hours or 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

LAP 441 Psychology of Artistic Expression

This course explores the relationship of personality variables and other psychological factors and the development of creative potential and the capacity for artistic expression. Emphasis will be placed on the interrelationship between artistic movements and trends from the late 19th century to the present and parallel developments in psychology and the social sciences. Psychological approaches to the study of creativity will be reviewed and related to the role of the artist and artistic expression. (Developmental Psychology, Personality) Prerequisite(s): One previous psychology or consent of the instructor. 3 semester hours OR 5 quarter hours

3 OR 5

LAP 450 Human Sexuality

This course will provide the student with a survey of current views and recent research in the area of human sexuality. Emphasis will be placed on a historical perspective concerning attitudes about sexuality and sexual behavior with particular consideration given to cross-cultural studies. Theoretical positions and research findings will be related to major developmental issues in the human life span and sexuality will be considered as an integral part of human relations and communication. (Developmental/Community Psychology). Counts in the Behavioral Science Area of General Education Requirements. Prerequisite(s): One previous psychology course. 5 quarter hours OR 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

LAP 490 Independent Study in Psychology

This course is designed for students who are psychology majors to pursue an independent study in an area of psychology. Students must obtain permission from a department faculty member prior to registration. Students will work under the direction of a faculty member. Specific topics may count in different areas of psychology. Prerequisite(s): One previous psychology course or consent of the instructor. 2-5 quarter hours OR 1-3 semester hours (May be repeated twice. Combined total quarter hours of LAP 490 and LAP 495 cannot exceed 10.)

1 TO 5

LAP 495 Special Topics in Psychology

This course is a psychology topic of special interest that is studied in depth. The course will cover any topic or topics in the field of psychology which are not taught within the regular course offerings. Since topics vary registered for more than once, since topics vary each term. each term, students may register for this course a maximum of two times. Specific topics may count in different areas of psychology. Pre-requisite(s): Permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 2-5 quarter hours

2 TO 5

LAP 499 Psychology Seminar

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to apply psychological knowledge to a variety of topics that vary from term to term. Students will be engaged in a process of inquiry on current psychological research and/or evaluation that challenges their analytical and critical thinking skills. Specific topics may count in different areas of psychology. Pre-requisite(s): One previous psychology course or consent of advisor. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours/3 semester hours

3 OR 5