MTH 101 Introduction to Mathematical Concepts

This course provides the basic preparation for more specialized courses in mathematics as determined by the student's major. Topics include graphical, symbolic, and numeric solutions of problems, number systems, integer and rational exponents, radicals, functions, first and second degree equations and inequalities, system of equations and inequalities, measurement, and geometry. Although emphasis is placed on the development of algebraic skills, problem solving is a main component of the course. Laboratory course is required for Pathways students. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): MTH 101L. 5 quarter hours


MTH 102 Statistical Foundations

This course provides an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics for liberal arts, psychology, and human service students. Students learn how to think about statistical issues, analyze data, and use basic statistical methods with understanding while de-emphasizing mathematical computation. Topics include: experimental design, data distributions, graphing techniques, measures of central tendency and dispersion, the normal curve, correlation, regression, and hypothesis testing. The class time is split between the classroom and online work, some in an adaptive learning environment. A statistical calculator will be required for this course. This course counts towards the Quantitative Reasoning area of general education. Laboratory course is required for Pathways students Pre-requisite(s): LAM100B or equivalent. Co-requisite(s): MTH 102L. 5 quarter hours


MTH 105 Math for Educators I

This course provides a foundation for mathematics that appliesto the teacher candidate through a professional sequence. The content of this course prepares teacher candidates to acquire a deeper understanding of the mathematics content embedded in the Common Core standards including the 8 standards of practices. Laboratory course is required for Pathways students. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): MTH 105L. 5 quarter hours


MTH 115 Math for Educators II

This course focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. It examines the underlying conceptual framework of the elementary mathematics topics of algebra and informal geometry, metric measurement, rational and real number operations, percent probability, and statistics. Estimation, models, graphs, and manipulatives are used in a variety of problem-solving situations. A weekly lab component is required. The class time is split between the classroom and online work, some in an adaptive learning environment. Laboratory course is required for Pathways students. Pre-requisite(s): LAM 112 or MTH 105 or equivalent. Co-requisite(s): MTH 115L. 5 quarter hours