PSYD 895B Special Topics: Working with LGBT populations

(Formerly PP 8950). This course is designed to help students understand and appreciate the historical context of the social and psychological understanding of sexual orientation and the evolution of the gay/lesbian /bisexual/trans rights development surrounding these issues from an unique individualistic perspective; explore the theoretical frameworks differentiate between various theories of the etiology of sexual orientation as well as models of identity development; critically assess the current controversies and challenges in the field of gay/lesbian/bisexual psychology (e.g., therapeutic issues, relationships, diversity, gender, AIDS, etc.); achieve an understanding and respect for the field of gay/lesbian/bisexual psychology as well as develop their personal points of view; review and potentially offer comment to APA Transgender Taskforce on the call for comments for the new Transgender Guidelines and thoroughly address the WPATH standards for working with trans clients. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1.5 semester hours




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