PSYD 895G Special Topics: Object Relations

This course presents an overview of the historical origins of object relations theory (British and American Schools) and self-psychology focusing primarily on such clinical fundamentals as the attachment, Kleinian positions, transference, countertransference, projective identification, and the ‘corrective emotional experience’. Diagnostic and assessment considerations will center on ways to recognize and treat symptom neurosis, indications of character disturbance and their usefulness in the understanding and treatment particularly along the borderline/narcissistic spectrum, etc. Particular attention will be paid to how to utilize the models in clinical work. Readings and class discussions are geared to deepen the students' understanding of the relevance of the developmental model to the practice of therapy. The course will be designed mainly as a readings seminar. Students will be exposed to a broad array of contributors to the field. Class time will be spent discussing concepts from the readings, and considering their implications for use in the process of therapy. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1.5 semester hours




Argosy Courses