This course provides students with an overview of infant/child mental health, including an investigation into its importance in the overall well-being and development of a child as well as how social and emotional development impact the trajectory of development. Trauma informed practice is an underlying theme in this course as well as the role of attachment and trusting relationships with caregivers, teachers and other adults, particularly as they impact healthy responses and overall health and development of the young child. Twenty hours of field work are required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): EDU 299 and ECE 301. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
Students will demonstrate competency in understanding the overall well-being and development of infants/toddlers, with a focus on biological and environmental risks and eligibility for early intervention. Special consideration is given to advocacy for practices, policies, and systems to support the significance of infant/toddler mental health and learning. This course is designed to cover Gateways to Opportunities Infant Toddler Credential Competencies: HGD7, CPD5, FCR7, PPD5. NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program.
EDU 205CB and EDU 215CB
This course is designed for early childhood educators to demonstrate competency in making evidence-based decisions about curriculum and program development. Students will identify the relationship between curriculum, relationships, environments, and child development; design engaging environments based on theory, policy, and guidelines; use observation and assessment to ethically support child development, learning, and programing; and communicate with families and colleagues to support healthy child development and programming. This course covers the following Gateways to Opportunities ECE Credential Competencies: HGD5, HGD6, IRE6, IRE7, O&A7, O&A8, PPD8.
Pre-requisite(s): EDU 205CB, EDU 215CB, or Gateways level 2 ECE Credential.
This course provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their competency in various areas related to early childhood education administration and leadership including educational programming, technology, communication, leadership and advocacy, and human resource development. Participants will use data collection tools and standardized assessments, create continuous improvement plans, and reflect on center policies. This course is designed to cover Gateways to Opportunities Illinois Director Credential Competencies: EP 4, EP 5, EP 6, EP 7, LA1, LA2, TEC 2, HRD3, HRD4, OWC3 . NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program.
EDU 205CB and EDU 215CB, or Gateways v
This course is designed for Undergraduate Educator Preparation majors that have previously obtained a Gateways to Opportunity Level 4 ECE Credential. Packaged in one course, the Level 5 competencies are needed for an Early Childhood Educator to obtain a Level 5 Credential, once a Bachelor’s Degree is completed. Competencies included cover content in Human Growth and Development, Health, Safety, and Well-Being, Interactions, Relationships, and Environments, Observation and Assessment, Curriculum or Program Design, Family and Community Relationships, and Personal and Professional Development. Field hours and/or a secure place of employment with children ages birth-to-five is required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): Students must have a Gateways to Opportunity Level 4 ECE Credential (or have demonstrated competencies in all of the Level 2-4 competencies) prior to taking this course. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours
1 TO 5
This course provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their competency in various areas related to early childhood education administration and leadership including human resource development, communication, legal and fiscal management, management and public relations, and personal and professional self-awareness. Participants will review advisory board policies, budget planning, family engagement strategies, and create an professional action plan. This course is designed to cover Gateways to Opportunities Illinois Director Credential Competencies: HRD2, OWC2, LFM3, MPR2, PPS3 . NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program.
EDU 205CB and EDU 215CB, or Gateways Level 2 ECE Credential.
This is the final field–based experience course in the professional sequence of the Educator Preparation program. This course will continue to expand the teacher candidates’ work through our innovative virtual coaching model. Under the guidance of a qualified Mentor Teacher and a University Field Coach, teacher candidates will gradually assume instructional responsibilities in the field, building towards a minimum of 4 weeks of full take-over in the classroom setting. Pre-requisite(s): EDU 299, EDU 350, ECE 324, ECE 334, EDU 477, EDU 480, EDU 483, and EDU 420. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
Students engage in a weekly seminar that is required for all student teachers. This seminar includes creating a Professional ePortfolio, reflecting on the art and process of teaching, and exploring resources that support novice and developing teachers. Successful completion of this experience is based on the demonstration of a wide variety of competencies including collaboration with peers, reflective practice, and the successful completion of a Professional ePortfolio. The ePortfolio includes artifacts such as resume and cover letter, teaching philosophy, lesson plans, reflections and other demonstrations of teaching proficiency. This course is the culmination of the full teacher preparation program, and provides opportunities for teacher candidates to synthesize their learning into actionable and demonstrated skills and behaviors. NOTE: Ten weeks of full-day student teaching is required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): EDU 299, EDU 350, ECE 324, ECE 334, EDU 477, EDU 480, EDU 483, and EDU 420. Co-requisite(s): ECE 470A. 5 quarter hours
This course investigates equitable opportunities for students’ development and learning. Special attention will be paid to utilizing collaborative strategies and reflecting on professional feedback for continuous growth. Students will examine discriminatory policies that impact students, families, communities, and teachers. Candidates will also have the opportunity to focus on culturally responsive communication and collaboration with families and professionals. This course is designed to cover INCCRRA Gateways to Opportunities Level 5 to PEL Competencies: G22, G23, G1, G2, G3. Pre-requisite(s): EDU 200CB, EDU 210CB, EDU 290CB, EDU 305CB, EDU 299CB, EDU 352CB, or Gateways Level 4 Credential. Co-requisite(s): None. 10 quarter hours
This course includes creating a professional portfolio, reflecting on the art and process of teaching, and investigates equitable opportunities for students’ development and learning. The portfolio includes artifacts such as resume, teaching philosophy, unit and lesson plans, reflections and demonstrations of teaching proficiency. Students will examine discriminatory policies that impact students, families, communities, and teachers with a focus on culturally responsive communication and collaboration with families and professionals. This course is the culmination of the licensure teacher preparation program, and provides opportunities for teacher candidates to synthesize their learning and experience into actionable and demonstrated skills and behaviors. NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program. This course must be taken in the last year of the student's program.
This is the field–based, student teaching course in the ECE Licensure Learning Journey. This course will continue to expand the teacher candidates’ work through completion of video-based feedback of teaching, self-reflection and evaluation of Field and Professional Disposition Assessments, and compliance in Safety and Security Training. Student Teaching Field Experience may be done at the student’s place of employment, if it meets NLU and Illinois State Board of Education student teaching requirements. NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program. This course must be taken in the last year of the students program.
EDU 200CB, EDU 210CB, EDU 290CB, EDU 305CB, EDU 310CB, EDU 352CB, or Gateways Level 4 Credential.
CPL 400
This course is a culminating experience for students in the Early Childhood Practice program. Through an internship experience, students will demonstrate an internship experience, students will demonstrate frameworks that the ECP program is aligned to. The purpose of this internship will be for students to work in an infant/toddler setting of their choice and exhibit high levels of quality work and competency through a master project that demonstrates their learning and development over the entire program. One-hundred fifty hours of field work are required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): ECE 301, ECE 302, ECE 321, ECE 334, ECE 400, ECE 341 and ECE 342. Co-requisite(s): None. 10 quarter hours
This special topic course is developed to meet emerging learning needs. The specific topic is indicated on the transcript. There is no limit on the number of 495 courses which can apply to the degree, although each topic may be taken only once. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 to 5 quarter hours
1 TO 5
CB: This competency based special topics course is developed to meet emerging learning needs. The specific topic is indicated on the transcript. There is no limit on the number of 495CB courses which can apply to the degree, although each topic may be taken only once. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 to 5 quarter hours
1 TO 5