Comparative Politics

POL 371 Politics of Central Europe

Explores how countries of central Europe, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland managed the transition to democracy within the context of the European Union. Attention is given to how these countries have dealt with the demise of communism and the challenges of setting up markets, creating civil societies and establishing democratic cultures and institutions.


POL 372 Politics of Modern Europe

A comparative study of the major countries of Western Europe. Political and economic institutions, parties, participation, and representation in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Iceland, and Sweden will be examined.


POL 373 Politics of Latin America

Approaches the study of Latin America with a general introduction to its historical background and political geography. In addition, the general pattern of religion and society, economics and politics will be examined with special attention to patterns of power and politics in modern Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Chile.


Cross Listed Courses

SJP 373

POL 374 Politics of Asia

This course is a comparative study of the countries of Asia. Students focus on issues of politics, culture, and economics from a national and regional perspective. Cases include India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and the Asian Pacific countries of China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, North Korea, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines.


Cross Listed Courses

SJP 374

POL 376 Politics of Africa

This course explores the impacts of colonialism, role of governance, failure of development assistance, and persistence of conflicts on the African continent. A sub-theme of social justice runs through the course: why is Africa underdeveloped, how should/should not the world respond, how does underdevelopment affect the people living on the continent, and what positive developments have been taking place.

Cross Listed Courses

SJP 376

POL 379 Business in a Political World

This course explores the relationship between business and politics across countries. Students examine the relevance of different political regimes, institutions, and policies for business and industry organizations. Through historical and contemporary cases, students gain understanding of empirical and theoretical issues.


POL 391 Special Topics

These courses involve special topics in different areas of political science and are offered periodically.


POL 392 Special Topics

These courses involve special topics in different areas of political science and are offered periodically.